Monday, November 14

Jewish Survival - Part XI

In memory of our mother Rachel

Dear esteemed friends,

As you know, I have worked for many years devoting body and soul to the subject of FAMILY PURITY.
In the past year, my family has assisted me in preparing a booklet on this subject (based on articles I have written over the years) in a fine style and befitting women of Israel, and we are beginning to print and distribute these brochures in all the mikvehs in Israel, in accordance with the number of women who visit each mikveh.

We have now translated the articles into English and we are sending them to you. Attached hereto are the first two articles: for the month of  Tishrei - "Three Partners in Man" and for the month of Cheshvan: "In memory of our mother  Rachel" whose yahrtzeit occurs this Sabbath. Every few days, we will send you one or two more articles translated to English (a total of 12 articles).
You may distribute them publicly.

We are turning to you, requesting assistance in the form of a donation for the printing of this booklet. Every contribution will be gladly accepted.

Anyone interested in donating in memory of a loved one may send a letter with the name of the loved one.
Printing 100 booklets will cost: 60$ for the requested name in memorial. (We will send you in return the Hebrew booklet with the requested name in memorial, the name of the mikva with its address and phone number where these booklets have been distributed)

In conclusion, I would like to add what the Chofetz Chaim expressed in the matter of family purity, those who work for it and support it: “May my portion be with them” – what tremendous reward awaits them in the World to Come.


Imanuel Ravad

"Survival MikvaTikva", Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva Israel, Shmaya Street 20, Bnei-Brak 5132703
USA: Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, 1360-44 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219


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