Monday, November 14

Jewish Survival - Part X

15 Menachem-Av 5776 – (19.8.016)
"La-Ishah Amar!" (Bereshit 3:16)
By Imanuel Ravad

To stand alone with G-d!
Hashem forbade Adam and his wife Chavah to eat the fruit from one tree in order for them to realize that there is a Master to the creation.  Why indeed, the fruit of the tree of knowledge was chosen, which is needed by each one? Since knowledge and understanding, which is not protected with self-control, could destroy the world.  The prohibition to eat the forbidden fruit was designed to test the ability of self-control of Adam and Chavah, and was limited to a short time.  They failed the test, and were sentenced to 10 different penalties to the man and woman.  The penalties were designed to bind human life with many critical problems which would prevent them from devoting time and energy to create means of ruin and destruction of the world, before its due time, which was designed by the Creator to exist until the year 6000 from creation.  Indeed, we witness that the cracking of the nucleus and the invention of nuclear bombs by Professor Einstein, came to be only in the year 5700 to Creation - (1940), when only the last 5% of the time remained until the year 6000 to creation – (1940).  (Tractate Rosh Hashanah 31).  The scientists of the world, claimed at the time, that's impossible that these theories would be discovered by a human mind.  Therefore a team of 30 professors asked his permission for a post-mortem autopsy of his brain, and nothing different than anyone else was found.  So clearly the nuclear cracking was a special divine revelation towards the world's existence end of time.
G-d can create a countless amount of people to fill his world.  However he chose to create a singular man and woman and gave them the power of procreation, to be able to understand that we have a "Heavenly Father" and that he is the main partner in every born baby.  Indeed there are three partners in every human being: G-d, father and mother. 
G-d create for us many problems and especially in the power of procreation, so that we will understand that our fate is not in our hands and we must abide to our Creator who require from us to live as husband and wife, parents of children in a family unit.
The first man defined his wife as "Mother." (Bereshit 3:20).  Indeed, the strongest aspiration of every woman since infancy, is to become a mother.  G-d's proclamation about "Bearing children in sadness!" Does not deter women from bearing children, since without children their lives are infinitely even sadder.  And despite pain and sadness "children are Mothers joy of life!" Indeed, the woman reaches her maximal development - both physically and mentally, only after the birth of her first child.  Therefore, in many languages, woman's adjective is different before and after marriage.
 Every pregnant woman is facing life danger.  She is the only creature in creation that cannot give birth without the help of a midwife.  In our Forefather Jacob's family one out of 4 wives' (out of 13 pregnancies) died at childbirth (Bereshit 35:16-20).  According to United Nations statistics, today around the world, about 400.000 women die annually in childbirth.  Without medical aid, one out of 16 die yearly in childbirth.  In Israel today, one out of 3 women give birth by Caesarean section.  One of 50.000, 2 per year die in childbirth.  If the surgeon and his team will not be in the right time and place, her life and the life of her foetus are at risk.
During the 5776 years of the world, problems were solved and many diseases were beaten, but the woman's problem of childbirth, which is most important for the continued existence of the world was not solved, and every woman experiences the same problems that faced our Mother Chavah 5776 years ago.  Therefore, in many languages the woman's labor problems are called "Chavah’s problems." All that is from Hashem, so that we will recognize our duty to live our lives according to His instructions as written in Torah laws.
Inscribed in human nature to say: "Please" before and "Thank you" after receiving an item or a service.  The woman's immersion in accordance to Family Purity and Sanctity laws, is a kind of a private seclusion meeting - "To Stand Alone With G-d" in the waters of the Mikva, while bowing and beseeching a Great "Please" from Hashem, for survival and an easy childbirth, beyond for numerous other supplications, so that at a later stage she will be able to joyfully and tearfully express her "Thank you!"
Beyond immersion, the laws of Family Purity and Sanctity, includes additional topics to the husband and wife, among others, exercise in self-control, even in the privacy of our home, which is our castle, where no-one sees us except for G-d.
The Creator who chose us, from all the nations demands of us that our children will be born according to the laws of Family Purity and Sanctity, in order that every Jewish child will merit to win G-d's special blessings for the Jewish People, among others, as "smart and clever, kind and compassionate," a, gift that parents can give their child only once during his lifetime, at the formation of pregnancy.  Do not prevent from the fruit of your womb receiving that great gift which will reward him with blessings during his entire lifetime.
Medical and social statistics confirms that living according to the laws of Family Purity and Sanctity are also more healthy, blessed and happy.

Please refer to books about Family Purity and Sanctity Laws, available from your rabbi or purchase at Jewish bookstores.
"Survival MikvaTikva", Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva Israel, Shmaya Street 20, Bnei-Brak 5132703
USA: Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, 1360-44 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

First published on 16/09/2016 on Jewish P.O.S.T. - the Jewish Voice for the People Of South Tottenham

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