Monday, November 14

Jewish Survival - Part VI

If You have No Problems It Is Not for You!
However it’s worth reading to avoid future problems.
By Imanuel Ravad
Incredibly, the Creator, with absolute integrity and power, why did He create the world with so many problems, that there is no one without them? According to the commentators: Problems, G-d creates for each individual according to his condition, sometimes even up to life danger, because without problems people are far from repenting!
Problems begun as a result of Adam's sin, who immediately realized that sin is never profitable:” All that is worthless for me!" He immediately fell down in a swirling speed, from the 10 stars palace in Gan-Eden, with the suffering and humiliation, that he did not succeed sleeping there even one overnight, to the problematic world with beasts surrounding him on Earth. Adam and Eve bore two talented sons, however they lost both of them on the very same day. One murdered and buried, and the other vanished as a Globe-trotter without any communications means. It took Adam and Eve 130 years, one- seventh of their life-span to overcome their bereavement, with the birth of their third son” Sheth!" After the Universe first Shabbat, at which Adam authored and sung the song in honor of the Shabbat-day, on the first Sunday of his life, G-d's utterances started to re-ring in his ears” On the same day you eat" [the Forbidden Fruit] – [On the very same day of your Sin] –” You will Die!" Therefore, he did not take his wife Chava for a sight-seeing tour of the charming world, instead, he descended into the Shilo'ach Spring-Mikva, (one kilometers south from the Kotel), to immerse, cry, pray and beseech G-d's forgiveness, redemption and to be allowed a second chance to prove himself, until much of the water surrounding him, were his very own tears.
During the generation of Enosh - the son of Shet and the grandson of Adam - started idol worshiping. (Enosh lived hundreds of years together with Adam and Shet. After their death he became the spiritual leader of the generation during 98 years). Enosh too was punished for the sins of his generation, as written:” G-d brought anguish to Enosh and said to the children of Adam to repent!" (Tehilim 90:3). In order to avoid problems, Hashem said to the children of Adam to repent also for the sins of Enosh generation! Since the responsibility to education and conduct continues to each person's offspring: To his children and grandchildren! (The generation of Enosh, are the grandchildren that was born to the children of Adam, from his son Sheth and his brothers who were born after him). (Breshit, Rashi 4:26, Pirkai drabi-Eliezer 14).
Apart from problems of the individual, we face community problems:
A.  1. Our Holy-Land, is the only country which is currently under threat of total nuclear annihilation, G-d forbid. Although G-d promised that the Jewish will survive, Rabbi Schach used to say:” But there is no promise that a Holocaust would not repeat itself, G-d forbid.
A. 2. Widespread of public Torah lawlessness.  The relationship between the two issues is clear! The Holy-Land was promised to us, provided we observe Torah laws.
B. Most of the Diaspora Jewish communities are crumbling and vanishing by intermarriage. (Europe 85%, USA 58%, Sweden 95%). It insults the Creator, who chose us from among all the nations, which may cause Hashem to be angry with us, G-d forbid, therefore it endangers every Yid around the world. (Bamidbar 25:11).
Like in the” Shitim," (one of the desert stops after the Exodus), when 25% of the men, were involved with Moav, and if not for Pinchas act, which stopped the process, Hashem thought to annihilate us, G-d forbid. And like the Eurpean Holocaust, which also was a divine decree that broke out in Germany, which then served as the center of Jewish assimilation and intermarriage and risked the annihilation of all Jews around the world, G-d forbid. Although, except for a 15 years, brief historical period, Germany was a convenient Jewish dweling place, in the past few centuries. Proof:
B. 1. The holy” Rashi", although he was born, lived and led the Jewish community of France, he moved to Worms, Germany.
B. 2. The Yiddish language, the only Jewish dialect today, of the Ashkenazi communities around the world, is based on the German language.
B. 3. Before the dictator rose to power, several German government ministers were Jews.
Intermarriage is a Strategic Risk! (the Diaspora Committee). It may be stopped either: A. The hard way, by cruel Anti-Semitic events that we never know to what it may lead. Or B. By the easy way, through educating to life of purity and understanding why G-d chose and sanctified the Jewish people, by” Mikva education to every Yid"! Until the final redemption, it is important for us to dwell in different places. As brought:” Hashem made us a favour that He dispersed us among the nations! That in case of adversity in one country rescue may come from somewhere else!" (Psachim 87: Rashi). The State of Yisrael, still needs the economic and political support of the Diaspore.
At the establishment of the Independent State of Israel - (1948), the prime minister proclaimed:” Our future is in our hands! There will be no more Jewish detention and death camps! And any Jew around the world that will be in trouble, we will rescue him!" He also objected to mention Hashem's name in the” Scroll of Independence".
"And it happened to the contrary!" (Esther 9:1). The Creator proves us daily, that our existence depends on Him. Since the above declaration, in no place in the world except our Holy land, so many Jews were killed, only because they were Jews. 23.447 since 194
8. The 100 Year All Arab War against us, started in 1917, with the Lord Balfour Proclamation for a Jewish Home in Palestine. Immediately after erupted riots and Jews were murdered. The first battle flared 1921 in Tel-Chai, and the Massacre of the Jewish community of Hevron in 192
9. Today, our Holy-Land is the only country in the world, threatened with total nuclear annihilation, G-d forbid. All the Jewish communities around the world live under the shadow of terrorism. Synagogues and Jewish schools around the world, needs a visible or invisible, strict police protection, because of the State of Israel.
France Prime Minister Manuel Valace said, 11.5.015:” The security cost of French Jewish institutions by army and police, is over one Million Euro a day!"
When a painful problem occurs, every human-being turns to the Creator and prays to him, even if outside a synagogue, and with his very own words. We are duty-bound to promote:
A. The words of Prophet Yeshayahu (1:15, 16, Targum Yonatan): G-d declares:” even when you pray fervently, I do not listen!" One of the first conditions for G-d to hear and accept our prayers with mercy and compassion, is Mikva immersion for the sake of repentance!
B.” Repent a day before. ..!" (Avot 2:10), and since no one knows the day of his death, therefore, we should repent every day!
C. The words of the book Orchot-Chayim, by the Rosh:” Do not pray without” Netilat Yadayim" of your hands and Mikva immersion, since your prayer will not be heard and accepted!”
What is the connection between prayer and immersion?
Since within the Mikva waters:
1. We are also undressed from our pride and we stand humbly and with total submission to the Creator, which adds power to our prayers.
2. In complete isolation from the environment, without interference from our 5 senses, which keeps us busy and disturb our concentration of thought that may give us a false and misguided good feeling even when we stand in front of an abyss.
3. Deprived of breathing we are at the gate between life and death, when instinctively every human-being is calling out to the Creator, while” we stands alone with G-d," and beg Him:” O' G-d!"“ Please help me!"
4. Then every human-being submits G-d his daily list of requests.
5. However, then we better realize that G-d too has a list of demands from us, as Jews mainly that we should study Torah, also in order to acquire the knowledge of keeping G-d's commandments.
6. We must anticipate to fulfil G-d's requirements from us, in order that G-d should receive with mercy and compassion our prayers.
7. Hence we join the road of repentance.
8. And we emerge from the Mikva with the Hope and Joy of a new Leaf for a new, better and more glorious life.
9. Therefore, Mikva immersion is a most effective mean to call out to G-d even in good times, in order to avoid problems and/or to resolve them.
Beyond” Purity Topics:"
1. Each entry to the Holy-Temple, requires immersion!" Realize before whom do you stand!
2.” Five High-Priest's Yom-Kippur Immersions!" Always realize G-d's presence in front of you, (Yoma 30).
3.” Amalek succeeded to murder in the Desert, only Men who did not immerse!" Therefore, the Clouds of Glory spat them outside the camp, defenceless, into the swords of Amalek. (Shmot 17:8, Devarim 25:17, Pirke d’Rabbi Elie'ezer 44).
For Men! Mikva immersion is NOT a sensitive issue and it has no” social opposition," since we may immerse in privacy. Promoting the above words of Prophet Yeshayahu, Ethics of the Fathers and the book Orchot-Chayim, will certainly lead many men to Mikva immersion, which will strengthen their faith in G-d and Mitzvot observance.
It is easier to explain immersion for the sake of repentance, since every human-being frequently asks forgiveness from his friends, and every-one remembers his sins that he should repent for..
After immersion, Men think and live differently. Community life, gets more serious nature, and even the purity and sanctity of the family is greatly reinforced.
It is duty-bound to mention here that: Until the rebuilding of our Holy Temple speedily in our days, men have no Torah obligation to immerse, however it is proper and desirable to immerse for the sake of repentance and other reasons. And like happiness, health and wealth, power and honor, that although there is no obligation to possess, yet each and every-one of us yearn to own them.
We are duty-bound to bring this message to every Yid! Since even when only one drills a hole in the boat, it might sink with all its passengers. Therefore, all Jews are responsible for one another. Yerushalayim was saved from destruction by Sancheriv, when all our people,” boy and girl, man and woman" did learn and therefore practiced Mikva, each at its own sphere of obligation. (Sanhedrin 94).
The survival and salvation of our people in the past and present is largely contingent on the education for the observance of Mikva immersion by all our people. It is not enough that you and we will do it.
The main problem these days is not the” Building of Mikvas," but the education to immerse in them!” Communities that build luxury homes and Olympic size swimming pools can build and will build Mikvas If we will explain and convince them that it is important for them. Until they will build, if there is no Mikva here – there are there! From anywhere in the country, a Mikva can be reached in less than 10-20 minutes’ drive or flight. However, if we do not provide Mikva educational material to all the Jews of the city, they will not come to ask us for it. The first 10% investment of the construction and operation budget of the Mikva, should be invested in” Mikva education for every Yid" of the city. It will maximize the number of” Family Purity and Sanctity observance of the city, and would relieve the need for fundraising for the Mikva abroad of the city.
Unfortunately, around the world today, 90% of our people do not observe Mikva. 30% never even heard of the concept. We cannot deny the link between the problems mentioned.
"Yishmael, the Fore-father of the Arab nations, after earlier struggles, did repent and recognized the full rights of Yitzchak to the spiritual and material legacy of Avraham, and that he must give Yitzchak” first-rights" every-where,” Since you are the son of the Mistress and I am the son of the Maid!" Therefore and to avoid Yishmael's envy of Yitzchak, G-d immediately granted the Arabs 12 kings and kingdoms, before 12 tribes was granted to the Jewish People, however conditioned. They will all be outside of the Holy-land borders. From the same blessing, the Arabs possess today 22 countries, 500 times the size, 50 times the number of populations and most of the oil and riches of the world, however all outside of the borders of Eretz-Yisrael!" (Bereshit 25:9-18). Therefore, centuries we lived in Arab countries, without serious existential problems.
The “Absurds":
1. National enemy number 1 of every Arab today, is any Jew that he encounters.
2. The 100 Year All Arab War against us.
3. The fact that for 100 years peace is not reached.
4. 100 years ago, a large part of the Holy-Land was swamps covered and the malaria disease reigned every-where, that people refused to come reside there. Therefore the British government consented to return it to the Jews. What bothered the Arabs that Jews are coming to live in malaria infested swamps?
5. 100 years ago, more Jews lived in Yerushalayim than Arab Muslims. The entire country had less than 100.000 Arabs, mostly nomads, who do not belong anywhere. About 98% of the Arabs in Israel today are descendants of hungry illegal Arab immigrants, who infiltrated our Holy-Land, from various Arab countries, to gain livelihood from the Jews. Our Holy-Land was never their national home-land.
6. In the last 70 years, more than 80 million Arabs migrated to Europe and America. As an example, the city of Detroit in the USA, is almost entirely populated by Arabs, and they number more than the Arabs of Israel. France has today over 20 Million Arab immigrants. Nowhere did Arab immigrants requested to become a new national independent Arab country. To the contrary, they are happy for the opportunity to become Europeans and Americans. Why only by us, they are ready to kill and even be killed for a new small and destitute Arab country, that its only goal will be to serve as the vanguard of the Arab battle against us Jews?
7. In many places around the world, problems were resolved by population exchange! Why this option does not exist for us?
8. There is enough room on our globe for hundreds of nations, races and religions. Why only for us, the Jewish people who has contributed so much for the development of the world, there is no place to live in peace? Why are we the only nation who is threatened nowadays with total nuclear annihilation, G-d forbid, from a state that has no common border with us or any other conflict?
9. How could the civilized world keep silent about such a Cruel Injustice?
All the above is only a tool in the hand of G-d to signal us to repent, which require immersion, which awakes us to it.
Therefore,” Mikva Education for Every Yid," is the most important and critical issue for each one of our people.
It cost Millions to Mikva educate 10.000.000 brothers! To be serious and effective please consider to donate and / or raise yearly, at least an amount equal to the annual Mikva expenditure of a family, currently 250₪ - 50
10. (Overseas $250 - $500). Like the two Yom Kippur, sacrifices: One for Hashem and the other to Azazel, which must be equal also in monetary value and time of purchase. All donations will be blessed and gratefully appreciated.
The situation requires contribution to this critical matter, at least once a month or once a year.

Please send us postal and / or email address, to get uplifting and persuasive material that you will be able to spread and gain the greatest Mitzvah. Local activity does not exempt the support of global operations. Please help us distribute Mikva materials to all Jews. See article:” Why Mikva Immersion?" Video fascinating explanation:” The Mystery of Life!" Great educational materials, results, recommendations, lectures, donations and dedications:” Survival MikvaTikva".
"Survival MikvaTikva", Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva Israel, Shmaya Street 20, Bnei-Brak 5132703
USA: Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, 1360-44 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

First published on 09/06/2016 on Jewish P.O.S.T. - the Jewish Voice for the People Of South Tottenham

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