Monday, November 14

Jewish Survival - Part I

Our Holy-Land and People of Israel are under Threats of Annihilation and Assimilation, G-d forbid.
"Mikva… is our Salvation!" (Yeshaya 1:15, 16, Yirmiyahu 14:8); 
See: How and Why? Therefore, "Mikva education for every Yid" is a critical issue - most important to each one of our people.
Jewish survival from Adam until today!
By Imanuel Ravad
Incredibly, the Creator, with absolute integrity and power, why He created the world with so many problems, that there is no one without them? The answer: Problems, G-d creates for each individual depending on his condition, sometimes even up to life danger, because without problems people are far from repenting! Problems begun as a result of Adam's sin, who immediately repented by immersing in the Shiloach Spring Mikva, (which is still functional today, in a dangerous Yerusholayim Arab section, about one km from the Kotel). 
A human being is also responsible for the education and behaviour of his children and grandchildren. "Enosh” is the grandson of "Adam" from his son "Shet." The generation of "Enosh" started idol worship. "Enosh" was punished and G-d requires repentance from the "Sons of Adam." As it is written: (Beresheet, Rashi 4:26, Tehillim 90:3, Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer 14).
Apart from problems of the individual, we face community problems:
A. 1. Our Holy Land, is the only country which is currently under threat of total nuclear annihilation, G-d forbid. Although G-d promised that the Jewish will survive, Rabbi Schach used to say: "But there is no promise that a Holocaust would not repeat itself, G-d forbid. 
2. Widespread public Torah lawlessness. The relationship between the two issues is clear! The Holy-Land was promised to us, provided we keep Torah and mitzvot.
B. Most of the Diaspora Jewish communities are crumbling and vanishing by intermarriage. (Europe 85%, USA 58%). It insults the Creator, who chose us from among all the nations, which may bring Hashem to be angry with us, G-d forbid, therefore it endangers every Yid around the world. (Bamidbar 25:11).
Like in the "Sheeteem” one of the stops in the desert after the Exodus, when 25% of the men, were involved with Moab, were if not for Pinchas act, who stopped the process, Hashem thought to annihilate us, G-d forbid. And like the European Holocaust, which also was a divine decree that broke out in Germany, which then served as the center of Jewish assimilation and intermarriage and risked the annihilation of all Jews around the world, G-d forbid. Although apart from a 15 years, brief historical period, Germany was a convenient Jewish dwelling place, in past few centuries. 
1. The holy "Rashi", although he was born, lived and led the Jewish community of France, he moved to Worms, Germany. 
2. The Yiddish language, the only Jewish dialect today, of the Ashkenazi communities around the world, is based on the German language. 
3. Before the dictator rose to power, several German government ministers were Jews.
The situation requires contribution to this critical matter, at least once a month or once a year.
Please send us your postal and / or email address, to get uplifting and persuasive material that you will be able to spread and gain the greatest Mitzvah. Local activity does not exempt the support of global operations. Please help us distribute Mikva materials to all Jews. See article: "Why Mikva Immersion?" Video fascinating explanation: "The Mystery of Life!" Great educational materials, results, recommendations, lectures, donations and dedications:
"Survival MikvaTikva", Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva Israel, Shmaya Street 20, Bnei-Brak 5132703
USA: Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, 1360-44 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219
3 Iyar 5776 – (11.5.016)

First published on 13/05/2016 on Jewish P.O.S.T. - the Jewish Voice for the People Of South Tottenham

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