Tuesday, December 12

Fwd: Lighting Chanukah Candles - Part III

9. Why our Sages ordered us to light a Chanuka Menorah at home, although the Second Temple continued to exist and function for another 233 years after the victory of the Chashmonayim over the Greeks and the Hellenized Jews who has adopted the Greek culture, while the Holy and Pure Menorah has been lighten during all this time in the Holy Temple?
10. Why do we celebrate the miracle of lighting the Menorah during the victory of the Chashmonayim over the Greek, and not the miraculous lighting of the Menorah all along during its existance at the Mishkan and the two holy Temples? The Menorah did always lit in a miraculous fashion.
11. Why do we continue to celebrate only the rededication of the Menorah [and the Mizbe'ach] who do not exist any more? After the second Temple have been destroyed, and the Holy Menorah has disappeared.
Some of many possible answers:
For thousands of years and until today the debate continues: The Chashmonayim's victory over the powerful Greek empire and the Hellenized Jews, as our survival among the nations who from the time we became a nation are constantly planning to annihilate us, was it and is it a military victory, achieved by prowess, strength, and wisdom of the Chashmonayim? Or was it, simply stated, a Divine miracle; the same miracle that ensures our survival throughout the ages and protects us from the nations of the world who seek to annihilate us?
Hashem said:
“Who will reveal this secret to my children?”
The lights of the Pure Menorah were burning daily in the Holy Temple in a miraculous fashion, served to reveal the presence of Hashem in the Holy Temple among us, his Jewish people and consequently in the world. The miracle of the one jar of oil that normally was sufficient for one day and remained lit for 8 days serves for the same purpose. It performed as a small pilot light to reveal the great secret and message: that the victory of the long and arduous battle against the Greek Culture and the Hellenized Jews from the beginning to the end, was only due to the great miracle that appeared here. G-D Has helped, helps, and will always help the forces of Purity and Sanctity to overcome the forces of impurity which are represented by the Greek Culture.
The answer to the sixth question:
6. The battle started against the Hellenized followers of darkness – of the ancient Greek culture, who had desecrated our Torah and traditions, and contaminated Jewish souls.
A candle represents a controlled flame, whereas a fire typifies an uncontrolled blaze consuming everything in its path. The flickering of the Menorah's candle's flames represent the human soul, as it is written: "G-d's Candle the Soul of a human being!" The light symbolizes the Torah's wisdom in its Purity and Sanctity, as written: "Candle of Mitzva and Torah Light!" The Torah is among others a book of laws that teaches and educates us to a self-controlled way of life. Therefore, the candles of the Menorah lit in a miraculous way, were chosen to convey the victory of the light and wisdom of the Torah in Purity and Sanctity over the darkness of the Greek culture. (See essay: Why light Holy Shabbat Candles even in abundance of electric light?).
7. However, soon after the end of the war, our Sages realized that the victory was only a temporary one, in the battlefield and not of the war. In the land of Israel and not in the Diaspora, where Jews will still have to face foreign culture around the world during a long and indefinite exile. Therefore, in order to equip us with the necessary resources and strength to overcome the incessant clash with the foreign cultures, they commanded us to celebrate the miracle of the restoration of the Holy Temple and our triumph over the Greek culture. By remembering the miracle of the Holy Menorah candles we will draw the necessary strength and obligation to battle and oppose the penetration of foreign cultures into our ranks and guard us from assimilation among the nations of the world.

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