Tuesday, December 12

Fwd: Lighting Chanukah Candles - Part I

© כ"ג כסלו תשע"ח. (11/12/017)
IMPORTANT CHANUKA MESSAGE - Lighting Chanukah Candles - Please copy and distribute!

Dear Friends and Friends of Mikva-Tikva:

The overall expenses to bring the newest message of Mikva Education to Every Yid, signed by 30 of our Gedolay Hador, to the 5778 Agudath Israel Convention at Stamford, CT, through the efforts of Rabbi Imanuel Ravad, was over $12.000. (Travel, Convention cost, booth, kit insert, graphics and printing etc.).

Due to medical issues, Rabbi Ravad had to return, right back home, without having time to raise its costs. 

Any help to recover the expenses, would be blessed and greatly appreciated.

Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, USA: 1360-44 Str. Brooklyn, NY 11219, tax deductible, IRS: #11-3380463, Israel: 20 Shmaya, Bne-Brak, 5132703. 

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