Wednesday, August 2

Think before you talk. . .

 *BEST STORY FROM THE GAAVAD EVER* The following story was told to me by Mrs. Greenwood A”H from Toronto: Her husband MR. Freddie Greenwood was on the kindertransport together with the GAAVAD. Their families remained close ever since then. Many years later the Greenwoods were attending a family Simcha in Eretz Yisroel. Reb Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, who was just appointed Gaavad (from London) came to partake in the Simcha. He came over to wish Mrs. Greenwood Mazel Tov. There were some kannoim who saw what just happened and one came over and said “ ich veis nisht vee mir feert zich in London, ober du, a ruv zugt nisht mazel tov far a froi “ ( I don’t know about the minhag in London but here the minhag is that the Rov should not give mazel tov to a lady) The gaavad answered “ ich veis nisht vos the minhag is do ober by unz meer zogt nisht far a rov vos tzee teen”! (I don’t know what the minhag is here, but by us, the minhag is never to tell the Ruv what to do!

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