Thursday, August 24

For the Yahrzeit of the first Rebbetzin of the Belz Chassidic Dynasty - 8th of Ellul

For the Yahrzeit of the first Rebbetzin of the Belz Chassidic Dynasty 

Friday, ח’ אלול - יארצייט הרבנית מלכה מבעלזא ע’’ה

The Shidduch

When the Shidduch of the Sar Shalom zt’’l was suggested to Rebbetzin Malka’s father, Harav Hakadosh Reb Yissocher Dov Ramaz zt’’l, he couldn’t decide between another exceptional shidduch suggestion.  So he sent a letter to the holy Rebbe of Lublin zt’’l and noted that the second shidduch, Reb Shalom, was an orphan, and he would need to provide for him.

The Rebbe of Lublin replied that he was shown from shamayim (heaven) that Reb Yissocher Dov should proceed with the second shidduch with Reb Shalom.

The Queen of Torah

Rebbetzin Malka a''h, proved to be a worthy partner and soul mate, and she stood resolute and steadfast at her husband’s side, encouraging and supporting him as he proceeded painstakingly along his chosen path. Her great-husband never forgot what she had done for him when he was young and struggling. Indeed it is said about her:”ומלכי צדק מלך שלם” “It is for the merit of Malka (Queen) that Shalom is a King!”

Reb Shalom’s remarkable perseverance and ability to spend hour upon hour immersed in the study of Torah is highlighted by another amazing story. Shortly after marrying the saintly Rebbitzen Malka, he embarked on a mission to test his perseverance and endurance. He undertook a seemingly impossible task – to spend 1000 consecutive nights learning Torah.

Rebbetzin Malka remained awake and held a candle so the room would stay lit.  She would quickly wake him if she noticed her husband, the Sar Shalom drifted off.  Indeed, on the thousandth night, despite raging storms outside, Reb Shalom continued to learn, and Eliyahu Hanavi revealed himself and studied with him the wellsprings of Kabbalah. 

On that memorable night, Reb Shalom undertook to build the Belz Shul that would incorporate every aspect of holiness precisely as he had learned from Eliyahu, having discussed the halachas of building a shul as a house of tefillah.

Rebbetzin Malka was renowned for her extraordinary compassion for her fellow Jews. To this day, Chassidim tell beautiful tales about her legendary saintliness and noble deeds. 

Rebbetzin Malka a''h Kever in Belz

Lighting Candles in Shul can Heal

A Yid once came to the Sar Shalom zt’’l when he wasn’t home. Rebbetzin Malka asked the Yid if she could perhaps be of help. The Yid replied that he was suffering from terrible foot pain, which made it hard for him to walk.  Rebbetzin Malka suggested, “Light a candle in shul each morning, and with Hashem’s help, you’ll be healed.”  The Yid complied, and a short time later, his feet healed.

When the Sar Shalom heard about the incident, he asked his Rebbetzin from where she took this idea. She replied, “It says in tehillim “נר לרגלי דבריך - a lecht – a candle for the feet in a place that you talk (daven).” 

Blessed Food

Rebbetzin Malka used to prepare a huge pot of Kasha for Shabbos, which she served to the chassidim.  She was once asked how there was always enough kasha for everyone, even for those Shabbosim when chassidim arrive at the last minute. The Rebbetzin replied, “I put a piece of my heart inside the pot and asked Hashem that I shouldn’t be shamed. Also, it says in Mishlei, “טוב עין הוא יברך” - if there’s a good eye, it will be blessed.” And Hashem sends his bracha that there shouldn’t lack any food for anyone.” 

A Simcha in פמליא של מעלה

Rebbetzin Malka a’’h was niftar ח’ אלול תרי’’ח. (Eight days of Elul) When Maran, the Sar Shalom, saw his children crying bitterly, he told them, “If you would only know what a Simcha is now in פמליא של מעלה (heavenly entourage), you wouldn’t cry now!”

Rebbetzin Malka used to prepare a huge pot of Kasha for Shabbos, which she served to the chassidim.  She was once asked how there was always enough kasha for everyone, even for those Shabbosim when chassidim arrive at the last minute. The Rebbetzin replied, “I put a piece of my heart inside the pot and asked Hashem that I shouldn’t be shamed. Also, it says in Mishlei, “טוב עין הוא יברך” - if there’s a good eye, it will be blessed.” And Hashem sends his bracha that there shouldn’t lack any food for anyone.” 

Mourning Her Loss

Half a year after Rebbetzin Malka was niftar, Maran, The Sar Shalom, suddenly groaned and started crying.  His acquaintances assumed he was probably crying over the Rebbetzin’s death, but they couldn’t understand why suddenly now. Maran answered them, “I told the Ribbono Shel Olem, you know that if I could resurrect the dead, I would do it. But what should I do that I can’t? But you, Ribbono Shel Olam, can revive Klal Yisroel, so why don’t you do it? The Ribbono Shel Olam answered, ‘If I would be as happy with Klal Yisroel as you were of your Rebbetzin, I would’ve long taken them back.’” Concluded the Sar Shalom, “And that’s why I’m crying.”

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