Sunday, December 2

Very Successful Event for Aish HaTorah in Stamford Hill

The Aish HaTorah gathering was dedicated to the revered memory of its founding father and world renowned mentor to thousands of devoted Talmidim, the late Rabbi Noach Weinberg OB"M, who was Niftar recently.


It was chaired by Rabbi Chazkel Dovid Halberstam who eloquently explained the theme of this symposium: Our generation's ignorant Jew can be likened to the fourth son in the Hagadda, who doesn't ever realise that there are questions that need asking; that there are answers to be had 

The main guest speaker Dayan Yonason Abraham Shlita, of the London Beth Din enthralled the assembled crowd with his masterly crafted appreciation of the "Noach" of our generation, who single-headedly established a global organisation dedicated to Kiruv.


In closing, the Dayan impressed upon his audience to take the cue from Reb Noach, become synthesised to the metaphysical sound waves wafting through the Jewish world, to constantly be 'online' and pick up the silent, passionate appeals for meaningful attention form our non-frum co-religionists.  


Rabbi Shimshon Silkin of Aish HaTorah UK took the floor for the remainder of the evening.


He welcomed the esteemed guest, Rabbi Yosef Dov Babad Shlita, Rav of the Belz Kehilla in London, who took time off his busy schedule to encourage such important cause.

Rabbi Silkin then launched in a Halachic discourse, proficiently demonstrating the many Halachic sources one can find that point to this important life-saving act of leading Jews who are astray onto the right path of Torah and Mitzvos. 


The evening culminated with the screening of the audio-visual presentation "Inspired Too" which brought home the message that every observant Jew is capable of sparking interest in unaffiliated, seemingly uninterested people.

Special thanks were expressed to the many contributors.


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