Tuesday, July 28

Supper hasn't burnt - yet...

From: menasche scharf
Date: 13 Nov 2005 17:48
Subject: Supper hasn't burnt - yet...
To: info@torahway.org.uk


Just had a peek over the fence into the NW London Web Site - Nice work there!

I am of the opinion that the meeting should ideally be covering:
Move forward in unison - whatever happens in M/C /NL / NWL should be duplicated (if possible) in N & NW London
Pass on names of best grade speakers and pensil them in for all three locations, according to on-line scheduling software
Hash out a deal across the board with the Tribune / HaModia for a weekly spot colour page
Line up weekly sponsors to cover the cost of item 3.
Sponsors to get a mention on print, online, audio and other media to further their pound for pound spend
Reduce duplication to the Minimum; combine resources to the Maximum
Ensure the TorahWay concept gets front row coverage in national events (i.e. Yarchei Kalloh, Aguda Convention, etc.)
Regional TorahWay events; outlying communities should benefit from Audio-Visual participation using WebCast
Enlist the help of the United Synagogues / Federation of Synagogues / Sefardi infrastructures and reach: details to follow
Set up nucleus of TorahWay volunteers to help enhance and improve the quality/quantity of content delivery
As we briefly discussed it, take TorahWay abroad: The US, Antwerp etc.
How to deal with the covert and overt advances of the Aguda in Great Britain
Once we decide where to meet, I hope you will have the opportunity to understand and appreciate some or even all of the above points.

We all learn to learn in life that life is all about learning to learn

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