Tuesday, September 1

Time - and how to Tame it

A Rebbi sent out his student to bring him the best piece of meat the student returned with a tongue of an ox. The Rebbi thanked him and sent him out again this time asking him to bring back the most inferior quality of meat the student again returned with a tongue of an ox. The student respectfully explained to his Rebbi that the tongue can be the most precious part of a human being because with it we can accomplish so much on the other hand it can also destroy lives if we do not watch our words.
Time - the most precious commodity is handed out to human beings in the fairest manner. Everyone receives the same amount of hours per day. There is a concept called 24/7. This means that every day has 24 hours and this 24 hour cycle repeats itself seven times within a week. Then the weekly cycle starts all over again.
No matter if you speak to your cousin in Australia where for her it is already Sunday and for you it is still Motzai Shabbos or to your friend in New York which is six hours ahead, the time span of 24/7 is still the same.
Why is it therefore that some people always seem nervous and agitated because they have so much to do and too little time to do it in? Others have the same things to accomplish and they just seem to breeze calmly through life constantly claiming that they are bored because they’ve finished….If you are one of those people who never get flustered because you are always organised it is time for you to do some soul-searching to pin point your skills and recognise your strengths in order to use them to become even more efficient. You can also of course photo copy this article for family members or friends who are at their wits end.
Unfortunately there are so many people out there whose greatest enemy is the clock. They glance up at that monster whose innocent ticking sounds more like roaring to them as they see that once again they are late. Their hearts start beating fast as they try to grab whatever it is they need. They rush around messing things up, banging cupboard doors and losing things in their frantic desire to beat the clock. They arrive at their destination out of breath usually late and with items missing and worst of all they experience STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
The six letter word which causes illness, arguments, loss of sleep and anger in our great war against the clock.
Using time wisely is not only an art that we have to think about and learn; it will also enhance the quality of our life and the lives of the people around us who have to suffer from our nervous reactions when we are under stress. Proper time management skills do not come naturally to every body.
Here is a short questionnaire. It will enable to work out your organisational skills thus cutting out some unnecessary stress from your life.
Editor please put in a box for a tick or cross after each point
1. I set myself specific goals and time limits
2. I delegate jobs I know that others can carry out.
3. I estimate correctly the time it will take me to meet the deadline.
4. I usually end up doing things I do not enjoy in the last minute (procrastination)
5. I do the stressful things first.
6. Others around me suffer because I always do things in a rush.
7. I just give up in despair and arrive late or give things in after the due date.
8. I sit down and write an action plan of what needs to be accomplished in order of importance. (I prioritise)
9. I stick to my plans.
10. My plans are usually practical and manageable.
11. I know my limits and try not to undertake more than I can cope with.
12. I say Tehilim or give extra Tzedakah that my plans should work out.
13. I write a daily schedule.
14. I try to become aware of non-essential and non productive activities and make an effort to eliminate them. (such as chatting on the phone or playing computer games)

Sarah Schenirer, the great and holy woman who was the pioneer of Jewish education for girls about ninety years ago used to call the clock Lady Time. “Oh Lady Time”, she used to lament “I have so much to do and you are holding me back.”
Yet in her short life of only 52 years she accomplished so much because she knew how to use time wisely. She had a motto Limnos Yameinu Kein Hoda teach us to count our days rightly so we will know (Tehilim 90:12)
This motto has become one of the trademarks of a Beis Yaakov student.
Although in the beginning you might feel that you are spending too much time on planning how not to waste time, eventually you will recognise that “if you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Good Luck!

Editor please put in a box somewhere in the middle perhaps shaded to look effective.
When you set yourself a target think “SMART”.
S = specific. Set yourself one target at a time. For example some thing like ‘get ready for school’ should be broken into smaller units such as brush teeth – 5 minutes. Prepare briefcase – 5 minutes. Eat breakfast 10 minutes…….
M = measurable. Do not set yourself a target that cannot be measured in units of time. Therefore writing something like be helpful or be studious is not considered a target. Wash meaty dishes, revise the five times tables would both be considered measurable targets.
A = achievable. Your targets should be within reason and manageable. It is not within reason to allow oneself one night in which to baby sit for your neighbour, finish a book report, study for a test and have a pyjama party. No wonder you’re a nervous wreck by the time it comes to Shabbos!
R = realistic. Be honest with yourself, there are times when you will have to politely say no. Stress is often caused by the inability to admit to yourself or to the other person that this time unfortunately you just cannot manage. If you undertake too much in the long run you are doing more harm than good.
T = Time. Think carefully how much time each action really takes. Most stress is caused by people underestimating how long an action really takes them. In the beginning it might be helpful to actually time yourself doing simple chores. You might be surprised to find for example that making your bed (properly) takes two whole minutes and not two seconds.

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