Sunday, May 7

Rabbi Weinbach Ztz"l

Re: Rabbi Weinbach Ztz"l

גדולה מיתת צדיקים כשריפת בית הבחירה

Kelal Yisroel is saddened about the petirah of Rabbi Weinbach Ztzl, Rosh Yeshiva of Or Someach, who spread light unto so many souls of our nation. 

It is incumbent upon the Kehilla to commemorate his life and achievements in a way befitting a godol batorah of his caliber.

A sheloshim event will be held in South Tottenham at Ahavas Torah, the Yeshiva led by Rabbi Moshe Davis and like-minded people, who do sterling work in Kiruv Kerovim and Rechokim alike.

It is hoped that the Hisorerus engendered at this august event, will surely have an effect on the assembled, Lehagdil Torah and Le-iluy Nihsmas Harav ztzl.

Programme details:
Theme: Rabbi Weinbach Ztzl - his life and his lesson 
Day: Tuesday evening, Or Leyom Revi'i Parshas Vo'ero, 08/01/2013, 27 Shevat 5773 at 20:00hrs (or 8:00pm).
Address: 8-10 Craven park Road, South Tottenham, London N15 6AB
Introduction: by Rabbi Yecheskel Dovid Halberstam Shlita of Stamford Hill
Main speaker: Rabbi Nissan Wilson, Or Someach alumnus

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