Friday, August 13

Re: Be a pioneer in a new crowd-driven Jewish Q&A site

From: Isaac Moses (LinkedIn Messages) <>
Date: 15 January 2010 15:31
Subject: RE: Be a pioneer in a new crowd-driven Jewish Q&A site
To: Menasche Scharf



Thanks very much for your thumbs up. Have you seen the new site? If not, would you like an invitation?

Thanks very much for your advice.

1) The new site is not intended to provide professional rabbinic advice (pesak). At the top of every page, it says that and "Treat our information like it came from a crowd of your friends." If we had rabbinic authorities as users (which we probably will eventually), it would still not be appropriate for them to offer pesak on the site or via any such website. If there is public criticism about pesak on the site, I would be most likely to respond by doing more to prevent solicitation or provision of pesak on the site.

2) I'm not sure what you mean by "create a feed from." Pages from the websites you list have already been linked in questions and answers on the new site. They are excellent resources, so I expect that they'll continue to be reference frequently.

3) The new website has an associated free-form forum in which people could start a conversation like the one you suggest.

Thanks very much again and Shabbat Shalom,


Fwd: Be a pioneer in a new crowd-driven Jewish Q&A site

On 01/15/10 5:55 AM, Menasche Scharf wrote:
Dear Isaac,
Firstly a big thumbs up for your very valuable work.
Secondly, please take on board my advice, which I hope will make sense to you:
1. Before going public, ensure you have at least one Rabbinic authority on your roster, so that you will eliminate any possible criticism from the public.
2. It would be nice if you could create a feed from,,, (since 1990) and others who have been conributing to the web in a Jewish way for over a decade
3. Following on from the previous point, may I suggest the following: you will see that many respondents to your LinkedIn invitation are professionals who are very savvy with web technologies. Perhaps you can create a forum in your new website for us lot to 'congregate' with the aim of planning the next generation internet for the whole Jewish community worldwide. More details are available if you're game . . .
Thanks and good luck!
Menasche Scharf

Sunday, August 8

1000 Shiurim on Start Your Day the Torah Way דרך התורה !

From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 28 Jul 2009 18:50
Subject: Re: 1000 Shiurim on Start Your Day the Torah Way דרך התורה !

This Wednesday, Erev Tisha BeAv we will be privileged to hear the Number One Thousand Shiur in Start Your Day the Torah Way - North London.


To listen in live to our Shiurim, please call Kol HaLoshon on 0161 798 5500 - our Shiur extension is: 1 for English, then press 9, for Torah Way and finally press 4 for North London.

You can download the Shiurim from

For Hebrew interface, see:

We are preparing a nice lineup of speakers for the summer holiday, splease inform all North London visitors!

Fwd: Photo's from NW London's TorahWay 2nd Anniversary

From: Jonathan Rabson <>
Date: 19 Nov 2007 18:36
Subject: RE: Photo's from NW London's TorahWay 2nd Anniversary

PS – if you are featuring this story this week, please could I make 2 impor1tant amendments which were my errors:

  1. Reb Menashe Scharf is the founder and leader of SYDtTW in Stamford Hill – they were the first programme in London after Manchester
  2. Reb Menachem Dovid Saltzman's name should NOT be associated with Etz Chaim high school in Manchester – he is certainly still a leading Manchester Askan!

Happy to see a draft article – but as I am abroad Tuesday-Thursday I may not be able to get you feedback in time. 

Many thanks

Jonathan Rabson

Fwd: Tehillim - תהלים

From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 22 Jul 2009 19:48
Subject: Tehillim - תהלים

Tehillim - See attached
מצורף בזה תהלים לחדש אב
Other items of import
הקונטרס  "ומקדשי תיראו" נתפשט כבר ברחבי העולם ובאתרים "לדעת" ו"שטייגען", ויותר ממאתיים אנשים כבר הורידו הקונטרס
ואני מצרף גם קטע ממה שנאמר אתמול בקו הציבור
Listen live Kol Haloshon LIVE on 0161 798 5500 - enter code 1-9-1 followed by # batch number - shiur number
FOR MORE INFO CALL 07976 805 755
Listen to the shiurim or download them free
The following is in Hebrew from Kol HaLoshon: (apologies if you either have already received this message or you don't understand it)
NEW: You can now watch the Shiurim on web video:
One Step easy download - just bring your USB key or MP3 player to MH
איך מרבים תורה בעולם בלחיצת כפתור?

ניתן להאזין לכל שיעורי קול הלשון (כ150 אלף שיעורים חיים ומוקלטים) במספרי הטלפון הבאים

קווי זהב  072-274-1111 (חינם! למנויי קווי זהב)

גלובקול 073-724-1111  ( חינם! למנויי גלובקול)

אקספון   078-818-1111  (חינם! למנויי אקספון!)

בזק 03-6171111

מחיר מנויי בזק לכל החברות והמספרים בעלות שיחת בזק!

גזרו ושמרו!

   ולצרף לזה עיצה אישית

מי שאין לו שירות של מ7-7 (בו השיחות בלילה חינם)

כדאי שנדע!

עדיף להתקשר ממספרי החברות האחרות.!!!!

הם נתנו את הקוים ללא עלות, ומחיר השיחות חינם ללקוחותיהם!!!

הגיע הזמן שבזק יתנו גם שירות לכל כך הרבה אנשים שמשתמשים ב"קול הלשון"!

הם גובים מקול הלשון המון כסף על הקוים!
הם גם
גובים מהמשתמשים מחיר מלא!

הבה נהיה שותפים ללחץ שיבהיר להם בשטח, שהמתקשרים משתמשים יותר בשאר החברות, לחץ שיוביל אולי אותם למסקנה הנכונה!!!

ו.. חדשה מרגשת יותר!
כל השיעורים ניתנים להאזנה דרך הרשת בכתובת הבאה Heb/

שם תוכלו להוריד שיעורים חינם! ואם תרצו גם להתקין את "אוצר קול הלשון" חינם במחשבכם

וחדש מהשבוע!
חלק גדול מהשיעורים בקול הלשון, ניתנים להאזנה בשידור חי ברשת!
הדף החל להיות פעיל מאתמול.

קישור לדף בעברית

העבירו לחברים, שלחו לאתרים, ותרוויחו לזכותכם עוד מאות אלפי ורבבות שעות של לימוד תורה! 

בברכת ונראה בנחמת ציון וירושלם

מנשה שארף

A Must Hear!

Date: 3 Dec 2007 19:17
Subject: A Must Hear!

Check this out! You are probably tired of listening to non-quality music tapes. But listen to this! There is a new star emerging from the wood works, and his name is Eliezer Hersh Rosenfeld. He is by far one of the few people that I know, (including you, of course) that has so much talent and toichen. A lot of work and effort went into making this tape, and it shows! Take a few minutes to immerse yourself in the most enjoyable music your ears has heard in a very long time. Of course, this clip is just a few minutes long, and you will want to hear the entire tape/CD! So, go out and buy it as a treat for yourself, and for every music lover you know in your family and friends as a Chanukah present. As you are surly aware though, to produce a tape cost lots and lots of money, so please don't copy it for or from anyone, just buy it, it is worth every penny, and even much more!
P.S. Do you want to be mehane your friends and family? Spread the word!  Forward this clip, for them to listen and enjoy as well!
הצלחה וברכה
גרשון ציננער

Fwd: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kol Haloshon (KHL) <>
Date: 15 Mar 2009 04:33
Subject: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev 21)

This week we celebrate 4 years of Kol Haloshon in the US.  This is truly something to celebrate as we recognize how much Kol Haloshon is part of the daily lives of thousands of people worldwide.  Kol Haloshon works very hard to bring the very best maggidei shiurim and make it available on the phone, on the internet, with free download at our website ( or at our kiosks.  Our latest feature, we began videoing our shiurim and posting them to our website as well.  These video shiurim are also available with free download.
We are currently testing a new version of our phone system software.  The new version adds features as multiple bookmarks and also finding out where a live shiur is being recorded in the archive.  As we test, you may find the feature being disabled every now or then to correct an issue. 
To use our multiple bookmark feature, instead of just hanging up, press 20 and listen for the bookmark feature.  Also, while listening to any LIVE shiur, press 1 to hear the location where it is being saved into our archive.
Attached is our latest LIVE schedule.  This only represents a partial listing of the more than 150 maggidei shiurim here in the US.
We LOVE to hear you feedback, good or bad, so let us know by emailing
If you enjoy our shiurim, there are 2 things you can do to get involved. 
The first involves pledging money to our maggidei shiurim who are all so caring and give up so much of their time to give us their shiurim.  Pledges can be made on our website at and click the Keren Kayemes tab.
The second involves letting others know about Kol Haloshon.  We are sure many others like yourself can benefit from all the learning and chizuk you get while hearing the shiurim.  So let others know about us.  You, too, will share in this great mitzvah of harbotzas Torah.  In the zechus of all this learning, may be merit Moshiach speedily in our days.

User instructions for: Kol HaLoshon

From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 11 Apr 2008 15:08
Subject: Re: Kol HaLoshon
To: Lawrence Davidson
User instructions for: Kol HaLoshon
Kol halashon 020 81917000  1 for english, 3 for halacha, 10 for Dayan Dunner shlit'a.

"Kol HaLoshon created a locally installed program that you can use to download the MP3 files or listen to Kol Haloshon shiurim.  This program is very similiar to the kiosk or Torah ATM machines that are available in some locations.

Please visit to get your copy of the MP3 download software.
Below Are the installation instructions. 
Installation instructions:
1)   Download the Kol Haloshon MP3 Download Program zip file by clicking on the link at
2)   Run the setup.exe. 
3)   If the program is already installed on your system, you will have to go to Control Panel and go to Add or Remove Programs.  Once there, find KolHalshon - MP3 Loader program and uninstall it.   You may go ahead and install it once again.
4)   To start the program, click Start, then Programs, then click Kol Halashon and click the program called ATM Web Download.
5)   Choose the appropriate language for the program.
6)   This Kol Haloshon MP3 Download Program allows you to download the MP3 files to a local folder on your computer called c:\KolHalashon.  In this folder you will find the files you have chosen to download.
7)   Alternatively, the Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program allows you to interactively play the MP3 without downloading the MP3 to the computer's C Drive.  Be aware that if your internet connection speed is slow, the shiur may sound "choppy".
8)   On the main screen, you will see 3 buttons.  The first button allows you to choose by Language.  The second button allows you to choose by Lecturer and the third button allows you to choose by topic.
9)   By going through the menus, you will have the ability to make a selection - happy listening!

That's it really!
We value your comments. If you have any issues about the Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program, please email with the subject "re: Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program."
Brought to you courtesy of Start Your Day The Torah Way North London.
Again, thank you verty much for allowing this message onto your board - it will surely enhance the Torah-leaning experience of many memebrs.

Menasche Scharf

Summary & Photos for press from 2nd Anniv. NW TWay

NW London’s Start Your Day the Torah Way celebrated its 2nd anniversary on Sunday 18th November with a specially extended programme of shiurim to mark this special milestone in the programme of daily shiurim by leading speakers every weekday morning, at their regular venue Kehillas Ohel Moshe in Golders Green.
Special Guest Speaker was Rabbi Pinchos Schneebalg, Rosh Yeshivas Vizhnitz in North London and son of Manchester’s Dayan Schneebalg, shlita, whose warm and entertaining words and stories contained the more serious message about bridging the gap between the mind and the heart.  The second speaker was Torah Way regular, Rabbi Dovid Roberts, Rav of Kehillas Netzach Yisroel in Edgware and one of London’s most dynamic and popular darshonim.  His shiur focussed on the potency of utilising Torah as the agent of creation to reshape one’s middos and rise above one’s original self.

Other special guests were the founder of Torah Way in Manchester, Mr Menachem Dovid Saltzman – a leading Manchester askan who created the innovative concept some 4 years ago and Mr Menashe Scharf who set up Torah Way in Stamford Hill, alongside the local team of organizers and supporters.

A vote of thanks  to Torah Way was given on behalf of the regular attenders by Mr Doody Rosenberg who voiced the tremendous hakaras hatov felt by  those  who attend each morning in person and the many more nationally and around the world who listen live via Kol Haloshon or by other means.    Mr Saltzman was presented with a commemorative book containing all the eye-catching posters, which are the unique hallmark of the SYDtTW programme, from the last year.. 

Thanks were also extended to the local organizers; to Mr Yankey Wiesenfeld who presents the daily halocho shiur before the main shiur; to the technical team who tape and upload shiurim and to the sponsors.

This week’s programme contains a varied mix of speakers and subjects including Rabbi Shmuel Baron, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Shmuel, Jerusalem; Rabbi Raphy Garson of Ohr Yisroel, Elstree.  The following week features an array of visiting roshei yeshiva including Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky of Yeshivas Darchei Noam in Jerusalem and Rabbi Dovid Koenig of Kollel Halichos Yerusholayim.
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: RE: Photo's from NW London's TorahWay 2nd Anniversary

Here are the headlines for your news articles this week…  **Yankey Wiesenfeld can fill in the details about the shiurim themselves 
  1. NW London's Start Your Day the Torah Way – the programme that pioneered daily shiurim by leading speakers every weekday morning -  celebrated their 2nd anniversary on Sunday 18th November with a specially extended programme of shiurim to mark this special milestone at their regular venue Kehillas Ohel Moshe in Golders Green.
  2. Special Guest Speaker was Rabbi Pinchos Schneebalg, Rosh Yeshivas Vizhnitz in North London and son of Manchester's Dayan Schneebalg whose warm and entertaining words and stories contained the more serious message about **; the 2nd speaker was Torah Way regular, Rabbi Dovid Roberts, Rav of Kehillas Netzach Yisroel in Edgware and one of London's most dynamic and popular darshonim.  His shiur focussed on the **
  3. Event took place in the presence of the founder of SYDtTW in Manchester, Reb Menachem Dovid Saltzman – a leading Manchester Askan and governor of Etz Chaim high school who created the innovative shiur concept some 4 years ago; and Reb Menashe Scharf who coordinates SYDtTW in Stamford Hill, alongside the local team of organizers and supporters…
  4. A vote of thanks was given on behalf of the regular attendees by Reb Doody Rosenberg who voiced the huge appreciation for SYDtTW by the many who attend each morning in person and the many more nationally and around the world who listen live via kol haloshon or who download from the archive at  MD Saltzman was presented with a commemorative book containing all the eye-catching posters from the last year that are the unique hallmark of the SYDtTW programme.  Thanks were also extended to the local organizers; to Reb Yankey Wiesenfeld who presents the daily Halocho shiur before the main shiur; to the technical team who tape and upload shiurim and to the sponsors.
  5. This weeks programme – in true style – contains a varied mix of speakers and subjects – which continue to fascinate and inspire the wider kehilla – Rabbi Shmuel Baron, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Shmuel, Jerusalem; Rabbi Mendy Chissick of Menorah Grammar School; Rabbi Raphy Garson of Ohr Yisroel, Elstree; Rabbi Aaron Hersh of JLE; and Rabbi Meir Goldberg of Golders Green Kollel.  The following week features an array of visiting Roshei Yeshiva including Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky of Yeshivas Darchei Noam in Jerusalem; Rabbi Dovid Koenig of Kollel Halichos Yerusholayim; Rabbi Dr Dovid Gottleib of Ohr Someach and Rabbi Michoel Jablinowitz of Yeshivas Ateres Yerusholayim.
  6. After 2 years and over 620 shiurim, the siyata dishmaya of this Torah programme has meant that SYDtTW looks like remaining a permanent fixture on the NW London communal scene be"h…
Jonathan Rabson

Great news from Kol HaLoshon

From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 11 Apr 2008 18:03
Subject: Great news from Kol HaLoshon

We created a locally installed program to download MP3 files or listen to Kol Haloshon shiurim.  This program is very similiar to the Torah ATM machines that are available in some locations.
Visit to get your copy of the MP3 download software.
Installation instructions:
1) Download the Program file by clicking on the link at
2) Run the setup.exe
3) To start the program, click Start, then Programs, then click Kol Halashon and click the program called ATM Web Download.
4) Choose the appropriate language for the program
5) This Kol Haloshon MP3 Download Program allows you to download the MP3 files to a local folder on your computer called c:\KolHalashon
6) Alternatively, the Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program allows you to interactively play the MP3 without downloading the MP3 to the computer's C Drive.  Be aware that if your internet connection speed is slow, the shiur may sound "choppy".
7) On the main screen, you will see 3 buttons.  The first button allows you to choose by Language.  The second button allows you to choose by Lecturer and the third button allows you to choose by topic.
8) By going through the menus, you will have the ability to make a selection - happy listening!
We value your comments. If you have any issues about the Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program, please email with the subject "re: Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program"

Fwd: Exciting News!!! Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kol Haloshon Administrator <>
Date: 24 Apr 2008 02:10
Subject: Re: Exciting News!!! Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program
To: menasche scharf <>,

Thank you for all your comments. Your messages to are being routed automatically to the people responsible for the website.  They most certainly will make adjustments and correct the issues you mentioned.  Many of your comments were suggested by others as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: "menasche scharf" <>

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 18:01:38
Subject: Re: Exciting News!!! Kol Haloshon MP3 Download program

The text at the following url: <>

should also be spell-checked:

* similiar = similar
* Halashon, Haloshon or HaLoshon?


Kosher Web Discussion

On 02/11/2009, Nathan Alexanders <> wrote:

2009/11/2 menasche scharf <>

Rabbi Weiss from Antwerp was onto a solution קפץ עליו רוגזם של היוספים

2009/11/2 menasche scharf <>
I spoke to him about two years ago,
On 02/11/2009, Nathan Alexanders <> wrote:

On 02/11/2009, menasche scharf <> wrote:
(BTW it's "swap" not "SWOP")
Kol Tuv

Kever of the Korban Netanel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 27 Jun 2010 16:10
Subject: Directions to the Kever of the Korban Netanel / Alter Jüdischer Friedhof, 36 Kriegsstrasse, Karlsruhe D-76133, Tel: 0721/72035, eMail:, Web:

Directions to the place.
You need the following address: Alter Jeudische Friedhof 36 Kriegsstrasse  Karlsruhe D-76133
Location:,,,&ie=UTF8&hl=en&view=map. See the attached picture "korbennesanel", you will see my father standing next to the gates.
>> Is the cemetery accessible to anyone or do you need a key?  If so how can this be obtained?
You can collect the key from the Police office Karlsruhe Beiertheimer Allee 16 KARLSRUHE 76137 - Tel: 0049721939-3 (consult this url for opening hours:
There is also a contact number publicised in Michelstadt - at the Kever of the Ba'al Shem - to call for the key to this Cemetery - unfortunately I don't have this number.
>> Is the kever easy to locate within the cemetery?
Once you are inside the gates, turn left and walk straight towards the far end of the cemetery (parallel with the road) and you should find the Matzeva on your right, about three rows from the wall. See the attached picture "KARLSRUHE MAY 06 003", you will see me standing next to the Matzeva with the building outside the cemetery in the background.
>>How long should I leave to travel between the Frankfurt airport and Karlsruhe
What are the different ways to get there? By train or by car, both are quite straightforward.
Parking is available.
If you need any more details, you can contact me on: 00447974160252 or you can contact Rabbi Mendelsohn on 00491733035781 who is the Chabad Shaliach there. The Kehilla is on 0721/72035 / /
>>Thanks so much!!!!
My pleasure, whilst you're there, make time to visit the Museum which is open normal times during weekdays.
Wishing you a pleasant trip,
Menasche Scharf
South Tottenham

Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev. 17)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 30 Nov 2007 15:03
Subject: Re: Kol Haloshon LIVE schedule of shiurim (Rev. 17)
Dear Kol HaLoshon,

Please tell others that here in London we have kiosk in Golders Green (North West London) up and running and we are in the process of setting up one in Stamford Hill and South Tottenham - both in North London.

The File Name issues need to be resolved as some iPods cannot accept Hebrew names and others cannot accept English names.

People are constantly asking for :
1. Daf Yomi Shiurim that can be searched according to every blatt - like Kol HaDaf
2. Mishnayos that can be searched according to every Masechta - like Kol HaDaf
3. Better structure of Shiurim - across countries, as overseas callers want to follow certain Shiurim and every location hgas a different structure/numbering system
4. Paper based guide to help navigate the Shiurim

Please ask users for thei opinions, not just for their hakoras hatov....

Gut Shabbos and lechtige Chanuka


Ko HaLoshon - North London