Friday, June 16

We are sitting on a ticking timebomb...

We are sitting on a ticking timebomb...

The following is just my personal habit - feel free to do likewise (without feeling OCD...) or jump to the last paragraph.

When I board a train or a bus:
I board last
I leave last
I stand well away from the edge of the pavement
I stand well away from the edge of the platform
I scan the people who're sitting in the carriage (takes half a second all in)
If there is luggage sitting in a corner, I ask around who's it is (better look a fool than a fail)
If I see a suspicious person (carrying a bulging rucksack and he has a certain 'look' on his face) I alert a police officer, preceding my report with: "I wouldn't like to cause any panic but ...)
One date to be extra vigilant: Friday Parshas Chukas; if you're not sure about this, ask your Rov.
All the above are things that (in my view) is waht is the least Hishtadlus that we as Jewish people are required to do, in order to protect ourselves from any potential harm. 

The other thing that - we as Jewish people - do: Daven!

This letter was published in the letters section of the Jewish Tribune 15/07/2017

Thursday, June 15

Perfect, thanks for voting! - Masonic Charitable Foundation

Perfect, thanks for voting! - Masonic Charitable Foundation

Dear Supporter,

Please vote for our organisation:

"Clapton Common Boys Club",

via the following link:, which is on the
second row, middle column in the link.

This will take just one minute of your time, and a big support for us.

Thank you in anticipation

Tuesday, June 13

In memory of Haim Dym

Extract from Yizkor Buch of Kortshin (Korcyzna) on Jewish Gen online [Pages 241-244]

Haim Dym
Haim Dym, the son in law of Naphtali Raab, was extremely orthodox, almost fanatical in his belief. The various sociological strata wore the same clothing on weekdays. The coachmen, the porter and the well to do wore the same clothing but the wealthier people replaced their clothing more often. Haim Dym was the exception. He carried a Hasidic hat or Kolpack, nicknamed spodik everyday of the week. There was one other person in Korczyn namely Itzikel Den, who was the son in law of the late Rabbi of Korczyn, Shmuel Aron Rubin. He also carried a spodik. He was a member of the Belzer Rabbi's family and Haim Dym was a Belzer Hassid. The Hassidim of Belz were known as the most pious Hassidim. The Kolpacks were their trademark and even though some of their Hassidim did not wear these hats, their piety was visible. They avoided looking at their wives, and certainly at strange women. As soon as a women approached, they lowered their eyes in order not to have contact with her.
Haim Dym was called spodik as a sign of his piety. He was also a religious scholar and a man of charity. He gave charity and collected charity from others. He used to make the rounds with the melamed or teacher Moshe Mechale. When they entered a home and they met a woman who insisted on giving a donation directly to them, Moshe Mechale would point to his stick that had a small receptacle attached to it. He would ask the lady to insert the coin into the container and then retrieve it. Thus direct contact was avoided. Haim Dym visited sick people and whenever they needed financial help he extended. He refused to participate in community life. He conducted himself with the utmost piety and hoped that others would imitate him. When many people left the main shul following WWI to join small groups, he remained attached to the main shul. He insisted on the unity of the Jewish community. He never read a newspaper but was always involved in the study of torah. His wife Roisale conducted the wholesale linen business, the experience she acquired from her father Naphtali Raab. Haim Dym knew nothing about the business. All the purchased items were sent from the warehouse under their apartment. Here they kept the merchandise and from here everything was sent and received. Roisale still managed to find time to cook soup for the sick and to bring it to them at home.
Haim Dym's children, especially the sons, were raised in a very pious tradition. They never cut their peyot nor did they curl them. His son David met me some years after I left Korczyn and criticized me for shortening my peyot. I had empathy for him that he expressed such pain on seeing me in this light. I never found out what happens to peyot that kept growing, do they reach the floor or do they stop growing at a certain stage? I never saw someone with peyot to the floor, so there must be a secret. This was the pious life of the Dym family. May their memory be blessed.

With thanks to David Frei for the source

Monday, June 12

Hashgochoh Protis XX - השגחה פרטית

Hashgochoh Protis XX - השגחה פרטית

One day I was in Shul and before Shacharis I saw one Yid approaching another Yid and discussing something.  Before they parted one of them gave the other a bill of fifty dollars. They were all smiles, shook hands and went their separate ways. 
After I finished Davening, I greeted the recipient of the generous donation with a nice good morning (my contribution, as it is said in the name of Chazal:
"המקבל את חברו בסבר פנים יפות, אפילו לא נתן לו כלום - מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו נתן לו כל מתנות שבעולם" (אבות דרבי נתן פרק יג, ד)
We started schmoozing and it turns out that he's the son of a famous Mechaber in Eretz Yisroel and is doing his rounds.  The Meshulach then explained to me the story that happened just before Davening.
He was outside the front door of one of "his" addresses and as there was no answer he started retreating but just then he noticed a neighbour emerging from a house a few doors away.
He approached the neighbour and asked him if he could pass a message to Mr Nadvan that when he was out, Rabbi Askan from Bayit VeGan called on him.
The Meshulach noticed on the neighbour that he feels a bit squeamish about it,  he nevertheless prevailed on him until he promised to fulfil the mission.
The neighbour then proceeded to drag a heavy mattress onto the roof of his car and without further ado jumped in and drove off.
Our Meshulach noticed how the mattress, which wasn't even tied to the roof started wobbling and the driver was holding onto the mattress with his right hand, steering the car with his left hand...  This is where HIS story finishes.
The day I saw them talking, the good neighbour/driver met up with the Meshulach and thanked him profusely for holding him up for these thirty seconds.  He explained that when he rounded the corner whilst schlepping his mattress, he noticed a traffic warden driving off from the exact spot where he wanted to arrive to!
Such reckless driving - with a mattress loosely perched on his car - could easily have meant a couple of hundred pounds in fines and half a dozen points on his driving licence...
The driver recognised that by agreeing to doing a Chesed to this unknown interloper actually saved him all this anguish and proceeded to give him the fifty dollars as a reward.
P.S. Please NEVER carry unsecured loads on your vehicle - אין סומכים על הנס!

Hashgochoh Protis XVIIII - השגחה פרטית

Hashgochoh Protis XVIIII - השגחה פרטית

This week’s story is from Menasche Scharf of HaGefen UK

As part of our work to establish HaGefen UK, we were looking for a table and chairs for our meeting room.  We want to keep our limited funds for day-to-day expenses, so the option of buying it outright was nixed.  Still, the committee members were anxious to furnish the office properly, given that we were having meetings on a pair rickety desks…

Our next meeting with one of our major supporters was looming and the thought of having it in such a setting didn’t help.  Just then I answered a call from someone who wanted to know where he could dispose of a dining room set.  I gave him the telephone number of our manager and when he went to look he was overjoyed with this free set of as-new furniture.  Through Hashgochoh Protis, HaGefen UK is now fully equipped, ready to take on the Shiduch scene!

Thursday, June 8

Hashgochoh Protis XVIII - השגחה פרטית

Hashgochoh Protis XVIII - השגחה פרטית
This story happened last week, Erev Shabbos Parshas Bamidbor (02/06/2017) in South Tottenham – London.
On Thursday afternoon, my daughter prepared a treat for her pupils, as a nice finale for her Friday lesson: she went and bought a pack of icepops, so that there will be an ice lolly for each and every one of them. 
When she readied herself in the morning and she packed her lunch along with the box of ice pops, she noticed that the number on the pack stated that it contains 24 pieces – two short of the number of her Talmidos!
She walked out the house in a hurry and couldn’t hide her worry: how could she hand out this nosh to each and every one in the class, when two girls will have to be left out?!  A fleeting thought crossed her mind: to punish two of her pupils - the ones who created most of the disruptions during her lessons but quickly dismissed the thought: how can she cause such anguish to these youngsters?!
As she was passing by the local fish shop, she remembered that her mother asked her to buy salads l’Chvod Shabbos and so she popped in to deal with this chore, as she knew that on her way back from school they most probably would have run out of stock.  As she was waiting for the cashier to ring up her shopping, she noticed two forlorn ice pops – identical to the ones she had in her bag – lying in the fridge behind the counter.  She asked the salesperson if she could add them to her purchase, to which he obliged – giving it to her at no cost.

HaShem prepared ice lolly number 25 and number 26, in a shop that never stocks them - so that no girl should be offended in the slightest, ensuring a happy class and an even happier teacher…

אין ברירה! הישרדות יהודית דורשת חינוך מקוה לכל יהודי! מדוע וכיצד?

אין ברירה! הישרדות יהודית דורשת חינוך מקוה לכל יהודי! מדוע וכיצד?
מאת עמנואל ראב"ד
עם ישראל בארץ הקודש, כיום ¬¬המדינה היחידה בעולם שחיים בה באיומי השמדה גרעינית. רוב יהודי הארץ, אינם שומרי תורה ומצוות. רוב קהילות הגולה בתהליכי התפוררות, מחוסר חינוך תורני מתאים, נושא המקוה רחוק מהווייתם, התבוללות, נישואי תערובת וחיים בצל הטרור הערבי. לא ניתן להכחיש קשר בין הבעיות. הבעיה היא לא הערבים! שהרי ישמעאל חזר בתשובה מתכניתו לרצוח את אחיו יצחק, ואלפי שנה גרו יהודים בסביבה ערבית. תפילת שחרית של כל יום, מתחילה עם: "רבי ישמעאל אומר"! הערבים משמשים כיום רק השוט בו ה' מאותת לנו לחזור בתשובה.
טבילת מקוה היא דרך יעילה וקלה ביותר לחזרה בתשובה. לטבילת מקוה רבדים רבים. בעוד שנושאי הטהרה המביאים לקדושה מכילים גם רבדים רבים הנעלים מהשגותינו, נושאי החזרה בתשובה קל יותר להבין ולהרגיש, כי כל אדם מבקש פעמים רבות במשך היום סליחה מחבריו.
אדם הראשון, היה הראשון שטבל במקוה מעיין השילוח, ביום ראשון הראשון של חייו מחוץ לגן עדן, לבקשת סליחה וכפרה על חטאו. (פרקי ד'רבי אליעזר י"ד-כ'). "טבילה משום תשובה"! (מגן אברהם). "תשובה צריכה טבילה"! (אור זרוע). ירושלים ניצלה מחורבן ביד סנחריב, בזכות שכל עמנו, "תינוק ותינוקת, איש ואשה", למדו ולכן גם שמרו את מצוות המקוה, כל אחד בתחום שלו.(סנהדרין צד). לכן חשוב לכל אחד מעמנו, "חינוך מקוה לכל יהודי"!
בהתייעצות והסכמת גדולי הדור: קשה לאדם אחד משם לחנך היטב את כל האנשים כאן! ובוודאי לא סביב העולם. חינוך דורש הרבה מחנכים, עסקנים מקומיים וכסף רב. רובם ככולם של יהודים דתיים, מעדיפים לתרום את כספי המעשר שלהם לנושאי רחמים, חינוך תורני, בניין ושיפוץ מקוואות וכו'. על חינוך למקוה לא שמעו וגם לא נראה להם כמשמעותי. למרות שיותר קל על ידי מקוה לחנך לשמירת תורה ומצוות, מאשר ההפך. ומיהודי חילוני לגמרי לא שייך לקבל תרומה לחינוך מקוה, הרחוק מהבנתו ונוגד את הוויית חייו. ולמרות שחינוך למקוה הוא נושא ראשוני, כי מקוה קודם לבניין בית כנסת וספר תורה, וכד', וחינוך מצוות המקוה הוא בסיס לשמירת המצווה.
לכן, אין ברירה: מלבד חובת כל יהודי לפעול ולתמוך בהפצת טהרה, כל הנהלת מקוה חייבת מלבד טיפול בהכנת מקוה כשרה לטבילת טהרה מדין תורה, לשמש גם כמרכז לחינוך מקוה לכל יהודי. כל תיבת דואר יהודית, ביחוד בסביבה הקרובה למקוה, ראוי שתקבל מזמן לזמן חומר חינוכי בנושא המקוה, ביחוד לאלו שעדיין לא מקיימים את המצווה.
כשם שכל מצרך שאנו קונים, בין 10-30% מהתשלום הוא עבור הוצאות פרסום המצרך, כך גם לפחות 10% מהתשלום עבור הטבילה במקוה, חייב להיות עבור הוצאות פרסום וחינוך מקוה, ביחוד לתושבי העיר הנצרכים לחינוך זה או לכלל ישראל. במקום שכיום מחיר טבילת מקוה כולל רק הוצאות תפעול המקוה, המגבת והסבון.
תפקיד וחובת רבני העיר איננו מסתיים בצד הפנימי של דלת המקוה, בדאגה לקיום ותפעול מקוה כשרה, אלא ביחוד בהשקעת מאמצים רציניים של חינוך לשמירת המצווה לפחות של כל תושבי העיר והסביבה. כי בימינו, גם אם עדיין אין מקוה כאן, יש מקוה שם, או אפשרות טבילת טהרה במעיין וכד', והצורך לנסיעה לטבילת טהרה איננה מכשול. רוב אנשי העולם נוסעים כל יום, לעבודה, לחנות מכולת ואפילו לנושאים בלתי חיוניים. כאשר יהיה תקציב רציני לחינוך מקוה, ימצאו המחנכים והעסקנים הנדרשים לחינוך מקוה של כל יהודי.
רב עיר וקהילה, שלא הצליח להשיג טבילת 100% של חייבות טבילה מהתורה, חובתו לחנך ולהמריץ לטבול גם את כל הגברים, למרות שעד שיבנה בית המקדש, במהרה בימינו, אין לגברים חובת טבילה מהתורה, כי במקום שהגברים טובלים לא מצינו שהחייבות טבילה מהתורה לא יטבלו. ולכן לגברים, גם אם אין חובת טבילה אבל יש חיוב, כי טבילת הגברים מעודדת לטבול את החייבות טבילה מדין תורה. ולמרות שלגבר אין כיום חובת טבילה, הוא מרוויח הרבה מטבילה זו, כמובא בהמשך.
במשך פעילותי בחינוך מקוה, כל השואלות אותי שאלו אותה שאלה יחידה: "מדוע אנחנו"? ולא היו מוכנות לשמוע תשובה בנושא מקוואות, עד שהצהרתי שאני כבר טבלתי הבוקר. גם מהתלמוד מוכח דרך זו, של גברים תחילה. כי משפט הפתיחה של התלמוד כולל [באופן בלתי ישיר]
טבילת גברים. בעוד שטבילת החייבות מדין תורה, היא במסכת האחרונה בתלמוד, והמסר חזק וברור. פתיחת התלמוד: ["מאימתי קריאת שמע של ערב"? ובמקום תשובה עניינית: "משקיעת החמה"! מובאת תשובה בלתי ישירה: "משעה שהכהנים", (גברים), שלמרות שטבלו לטומאתם ביום, מותרים "לאכול תרומתם" רק בערב אחרי שקיעת השמש] ככתוב בתורה. אך מדוע נושא הכהנים מוזכר כאן? כי חכמינו הבינו שנושא המקוה חייב להיות מוזכר מיד בהתחלה כמו בתורה שבכתב, כדי ללמד על חשיבות נושא טבילת המקוה, אך גברים במשפט הראשון ונשים במסכת האחרונה. גם: אין חובה להיות עשיר, חזק ויפה, אך רובם ככולם שואפים לזאת. טבילת טהרה, היא מעין פגישה פרטית בבידוד מוחלט עם בורא עולם. שם אנו מתקשרים עם הבורא בלבנו, שוטחים את בעיותינו היומיות, ומבקשים... ומבינים שעלינו להקדים ולמלא את דרישות השם, כדי שה' ימלא את בקשותינו, ועולים מן המקוה בתקוה ושמחה לדף חדש ומבטיח בחיינו. לכן אחר הטבילה, כל גבר חושב, מתפלל וחי אחרת. חיי הקהילה מקבלים אופי רציני יותר, טהרת המשפחה נשמרת בשלימות, ונישואי תערובת מפסיקים להיות אופציה.
טבילת הגברים איננו נושא רגיש, וקל להביא לטבילה גם גבר שמחשיב את עצמו לחילוני מוחלט, [עד הטבילה]. ראה מאמר: "אם אין לך בעיות, זה לא בשבילך"! בספרי: "לעמוד לבד עם בורא עולם"!
בגלל רגישות הנושא לנשים הן אינן מוכנות לטבול במקוה שטבלו בה גברים גם אם בזמן שונה ביותר. לכן ראוי לכל קהילה לבנות גם מקוה גברים אפילו אם בסטנדרט של יופי פשוט יותר, אך עדיף במרתף או חצר בית הכנסת, כדי לאפשר עליה מטבילה ללהט התפילה, מבלי הצורך לעבור במראות הרחוב המפריע לטהרת המחשבה.
לקבלת חומר נוסף לקריאה והפצה אנא שלחו כתובות דואר או מייל: RAVAD@MIKVATIKVA.ORG
עמנואל ראב"ד, רח' שמעי'ה 20,
בני-ברק 5132703,

י' ניסן תשע"ז (7.4.017).

Ain Braira! We Have No Choice! Jewish Survival Requires

Dear Honored and Beloved Friends and Friends of MikvaTikva
Mikva Education for every Yid! Why and How?
by Imanuel Ravad
The Jewish People in our Holy- Land, today the only country in the world that life is threatened by nuclear annihilation. Most of the country's  Yidden are not Torah observant. Most of the Diaspora communities do disintegrate for lack of proper Torah education, the subject of Mikva is far from their mind, they intermarry and assimilate to their country's culture and live in the shadow of Arab terror. We cannot deny the connection between the problems. Our problem is not the Arabs! Since Ishmael did repent from his plan to murder his brother Yitzchak, and for thousands of years Yidden did live in Arab countries. Our daily morning prayers starts with the quote: "Rabi Yishmael says!" The Arabs today serve only as a whip with which G-d signals us to repent.
Mikva immersion is a most efficient and easy way to lead to repentance.  Mikva immersion has numerous levels. While the theme of Purity that leads to Sanctity contain many levels that are beyond our perceptions, the subject of repentance is easier to perceive and understand since every person asks many times daily forgiveness from his friends. Adam was the first man that did mikva immersion, in the Shiloah spring-mikva, on the first Sunday of his life outside of Gan-Eden, in order to beseech forgiveness and atonement for his sin. (Pirkai d'Rabi Eli'ezer 14-20). "Immersion for the sake of repentance!" (Magen Avraham). "Repentance requires immersion!" (Or Zarua). Yerushalayim was saved from destruction by Sancherib, in merit that all our people, "boys and girls, men and women, "did learn therefore they did also observe the mitzvah of mikva, each in his own domain, (Sanhedrin 94). Therefore "Mikva education for every Yid!" is most important to each one of our people.
With consultation and consent of G'dolay Hador: It is difficult for one person from there to well educate all the people here! and certainly not all around the world. Education requires many local  educators, activists and substantial funds. Most observant Yidden prefer to donate their charity funds to matters of mercy, Torah education, construction and renovation of mikvas, etc. About Mikva education either they did not hear or they do not believe it is meaningful to mikva educate people who are not yet Shabbat observers. Although it is easier through Mikva to become Torah observer then the opposite. While secular Yids do not donate to Mikva education, because it negates their life style.   Although mikva education is a primary  issue, since Mikvah precedes the construction of a synagogue and buying of a Torah scroll, etc., and  mikva education is the basis for observing the mitzva.
Therefore, Ain-Braira, we have choice: aside from the duty of every Yid to support spreading of purity, all Mikva managements  must, besides preparing a kosher Mikva for ritual purity immersion, also serve as a center for Mikva education for every Yid. Every Jewish mailbox, especially in the vicinity of the mikva, should occasionally receive educational material about the mikva, especially for those who do not yet observe the  Mitzvah.
Just as every commodity that we buy, between 10-30% of its cost went for its promotion,  likewise, at least 10% of the payment for Mikva-immersion  should be for Mikva Education and promotion expenses, especially  for the residents Yidden of the city who needs this education or for Klal Yisrael. Instead that mikva-immersing payment today includes only the operating cost of the mikva and the price of the towel and soap.
The role and obligation of city rabbis does not end on the inner-side of the mikva door, for their  concern for the existence and operation of a kosher mikva, but especially for their serious efforts to educate our people to observe the Mitzva, at least of all the residents Yidden of their city and its surroundings. Because nowadays, even if there is no a mikva here, there is a mikva there, or the possibility of purity immersion in a spring, etc., and the need to travel for purity immersion is not an obstacle. Most of the world's people travel daily to work, to a grocery store, and even to non-essential tasks. When there will be a serious budget for Mikva education, the necessary educators and activist for Mikva Education to every Yid will be found.
A city or a community rabbi who was not able to achieve a 100% purity immersion from the women who are required to observe it by Torah law, must educate and encourage to immerse also all the men, although, until our Temple will be rebuilt, soon in our days, men do not have Torah obligation of purity immersion. Since where men immerse we do not find women who do not fulfill their obligation. Therefore, although nowadays men have no Torah obligation for purity immersion, but they are duty-bound to do so, since the immersion of the men does encourage the purity immersion of the women who are under the obligation to observe this Mitzvah.  However, although men are nowadays under no obligation to purity immerse, they reap great benefit from it, as followed.
During my activity in Mikva education, all the women that asked me, they repeated the same one question: "Why We?" They were not prepared to hear my answer until I declared that I had already purity immersed this morning. The Talmud too proves this concept of men first. Since the opening sentence of the Talmud includes [in an indirect way] purity immersion of men, whereas the Torah purity immersion obligation of women is in the very last tractate of the Talmud and the message is strong and clear. [The opening sentence of the Talmud: "From when we may recite the evening "Shma?" Instead of a direct answer: "From sunset!" An indirect answer is inserted: "From the time that Kohanim, (men), that although they had purity immersed for their impurities, during the day they are permitted to eat their "Truma" only after sunset. As written in the Torah. the . However, why the topic of the Kohanim must appear here? It seems that our sages understood that the subject of purity Mikva immersion must appear at the very beginning of the oral law, like it appears at the very beginning of the Torah, in order to stress its importance to Jewish life. However, men in the first sentence and women in the very last tractate. Also: There is no obligation to become rich, strong and beautiful; however most of the people aspire to it. Purity Mikva immersion is a kind of a private meeting in a total isolation with the Creator. There we communicate in our hearts with the Creator, we lay down our daily problems, and ask ... and we understand that we must precede and fulfill Hashem's demands from us, in order that Hashem will fulfill our requests. We emerge from the Mikva with hope and joy for a new and promising page for our lives. Therefore, after purity mikva immersion, every man thinks, prays and lives differently. Community life takes on a more serious nature, Family Purity Laws are strictly observed, and intermarriage ceases to be an option.
Men's purity immersion is not a sensitive issue, and it is easy to bring to purity mikva immersion even a man who considers himself as an achieved secular Jew [until the mikva immersion]. See the article: "If you have no problems, it is not for you!" from my book: "To Stand Alone With G-d!"
Due to the sensitivity of the topic to women, they object to immerse in a mikva that was previously used by men even on a complete different time schedule. Therefore, every community should build a separate men's mikva, even if with a lower standard of beauty, however preferably in the basement or courtyard of the synagogue, to enable to emerge directly from the purity immersion, into the heat of prayers, without having to pass through the distracting street sights from pure thoughts.
For additional material for reading and distribution please send mail or email addresses:; Imanuel Ravad, 20 Shma'ya St.,
Respectfully, Be'a'hava Raba, Imanuel Ravad - MikvTikva  
Bnei Brak 5132703, 10 Nissan 5777 – (7.4.017).

Bushey Synagogue Enjoy an Uplifting Shabbat UK with the Travelling Chassidim

Bushey United Synagogue Shabbos with the Travelling Chassidim
London, 8th June 2017 - 14th Sivan 5777

Bushey United Synagogue Enjoy an Uplifting Shabbos with the Travelling Chassidim

Last week Shabbos Parshas Nossoy, the Travelling Chassidim and their families were privileged to be hosted by the Jewish community of Bushey.

The Shabbos was dedicated in honour of the induction of the new Rov of the Kehilloh, Rabbi Elchonon Feldman Shlita.

Led by Mr Binyomin Binet of Stamford Hill in North London, the group added to the ambience of this special Shabbos with their unique Ruach and lively singing.  The ladies of the community were entertained by the female members of the Travelling Chassidim, who contributed to the Shabbos atmosphere with wit and camaraderie, forging new friendships as the Shabbos progressed.
The moving Carlebach-style Kabalas Shabbos led by Chazzan Moshe Meislik was followed by a communal Shabbos meal in the shul function hall. Over 100 community members enjoyed a Shabbos meal courtesy of Kelman's, in conjunction with Reich catering - replete with Divrei Torah, Zemiros and spirited dancing.

At the Seudah Sh’lishis the 200-strong crowd were addressed by several guests to the Kehillah, amongst them Rabbi Shloimy Stark of Travelling Chassidim’s Manchester division and Mr Menasche Scharf of its London branch. All speakers commended the remarkable spiritedness and noteworthy hospitality of the Kehillah members and their good fortune of having such a dynamic personality as their new Rov.
The visit ended with a moving Havdalah culminating in a lively dance to the sound of singing accompanied by the magic tunes emanating from Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Grunnfeld's keyboard.

Members of the Bushey Kehillah freely shared their feelings of gratitude with their guests; here are some of the comments that were shared by participants:
  • ‘L’ writes in a message to a wife of one of the Travelling Chasidim: "Wow!" is all I can say… I feel so blessed to have had you come to our community.
  • ‘J’ said that the inspiration from this Shabbos "Did more than several lectures from a Rabbi”.
  • To quote one of the Shul's committee members: "I was looking forward to teaching these Chassids a thing or two.  Boy, did I make a mistake - I ended up learning quite a few things about life about Shabbos and about Yiddishkeit in general - a real eye opener!
  • 'P' writes: "We both really enjoyed Shabbat with you all - there was a magical ruach around - we hope you will all make it back to Bushey in the not too distant future."
  • From 'J' - one of the hosts: "We are so grateful that we were chosen as your hosts.  We could not have asked for a better! You made our Shabbos so special. One that will live in my memory for many years.  Your stories and smile were an inspiration to me. Always remember the cup is half full!! Thanks again.
  • "I had an amazing week, after such a wonderful Shabbat with you. Thank you for coming".
The Chief Rabbi complimented this event: "I met many of the people who participated in this Shabbos and they were all gushing about how wonderful it was.  A real Kiddush HaShem!"

The Travelling Chassidim was founded in the USA by Rabbi A. M. Royde of Monsey, NY. in the USA. Its UK group is made up of Chassidic families from London and Manchester who travel around the country, bringing Joy, Happiness and Authentic Yiddishkeit to the communities in the large cities as well as in the Provinces.   The Travelling Chassidim – a not-for-profit organisation - is part of the World of Belz institutions under the guidance and leadership of the Rebbe of Belz in Jerusalem, Eretz Israel. The group was inspired by the teachings of the late Rabbi Noach Weinberg ZTZ"L of Aish HaTorah, especially by his innovative Project Inspire initiative.   Bringing with them classic Chassidic warmth and liveliness together with the special aura of the holy Shabbat day the Travelling Chassidim form a deep connection with the host community resulting in a Shabbaton that is truly transformational memorable and – sometimes even contagious...
P. S. Photo Credits: Members of the Bushey Jewish Community