Friday, June 16

We are sitting on a ticking timebomb...

We are sitting on a ticking timebomb...

The following is just my personal habit - feel free to do likewise (without feeling OCD...) or jump to the last paragraph.

When I board a train or a bus:
I board last
I leave last
I stand well away from the edge of the pavement
I stand well away from the edge of the platform
I scan the people who're sitting in the carriage (takes half a second all in)
If there is luggage sitting in a corner, I ask around who's it is (better look a fool than a fail)
If I see a suspicious person (carrying a bulging rucksack and he has a certain 'look' on his face) I alert a police officer, preceding my report with: "I wouldn't like to cause any panic but ...)
One date to be extra vigilant: Friday Parshas Chukas; if you're not sure about this, ask your Rov.
All the above are things that (in my view) is waht is the least Hishtadlus that we as Jewish people are required to do, in order to protect ourselves from any potential harm. 

The other thing that - we as Jewish people - do: Daven!

This letter was published in the letters section of the Jewish Tribune 15/07/2017

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