Tuesday, June 13

In memory of Haim Dym

Extract from Yizkor Buch of Kortshin (Korcyzna) on Jewish Gen online [Pages 241-244]

Haim Dym
Haim Dym, the son in law of Naphtali Raab, was extremely orthodox, almost fanatical in his belief. The various sociological strata wore the same clothing on weekdays. The coachmen, the porter and the well to do wore the same clothing but the wealthier people replaced their clothing more often. Haim Dym was the exception. He carried a Hasidic hat or Kolpack, nicknamed spodik everyday of the week. There was one other person in Korczyn namely Itzikel Den, who was the son in law of the late Rabbi of Korczyn, Shmuel Aron Rubin. He also carried a spodik. He was a member of the Belzer Rabbi's family and Haim Dym was a Belzer Hassid. The Hassidim of Belz were known as the most pious Hassidim. The Kolpacks were their trademark and even though some of their Hassidim did not wear these hats, their piety was visible. They avoided looking at their wives, and certainly at strange women. As soon as a women approached, they lowered their eyes in order not to have contact with her.
Haim Dym was called spodik as a sign of his piety. He was also a religious scholar and a man of charity. He gave charity and collected charity from others. He used to make the rounds with the melamed or teacher Moshe Mechale. When they entered a home and they met a woman who insisted on giving a donation directly to them, Moshe Mechale would point to his stick that had a small receptacle attached to it. He would ask the lady to insert the coin into the container and then retrieve it. Thus direct contact was avoided. Haim Dym visited sick people and whenever they needed financial help he extended. He refused to participate in community life. He conducted himself with the utmost piety and hoped that others would imitate him. When many people left the main shul following WWI to join small groups, he remained attached to the main shul. He insisted on the unity of the Jewish community. He never read a newspaper but was always involved in the study of torah. His wife Roisale conducted the wholesale linen business, the experience she acquired from her father Naphtali Raab. Haim Dym knew nothing about the business. All the purchased items were sent from the warehouse under their apartment. Here they kept the merchandise and from here everything was sent and received. Roisale still managed to find time to cook soup for the sick and to bring it to them at home.
Haim Dym's children, especially the sons, were raised in a very pious tradition. They never cut their peyot nor did they curl them. His son David met me some years after I left Korczyn and criticized me for shortening my peyot. I had empathy for him that he expressed such pain on seeing me in this light. I never found out what happens to peyot that kept growing, do they reach the floor or do they stop growing at a certain stage? I never saw someone with peyot to the floor, so there must be a secret. This was the pious life of the Dym family. May their memory be blessed.

With thanks to David Frei for the source

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