Thursday, July 31

It’s Okay. Don’t Cry for Us Israelis

By Naomi Ragen 

It’s Okay. Don’t Cry for Us Israelis

By Naomi Ragen

I’m sitting here in Jerusalem after a week of heartbreak over three murdered
Teens, followed by  two weeks of sirens, bomb blasts, and finally, the funerals
Of young IDF soldiers, of whom one-third are students who should be taking their
Final exams, instead of risking their lives.  I’m  reading on the Internet
About what a horrible person I am as an Israeli and as a Jew, and what a
Terrible, immoral country I live in.

All this criticism comes mainly from the European press: The Guardian, the BBC,
Papers in Italy, Norway, France, and don’t forget America: The New York Times,
CNN.  And I’m thinking: Gee, the British should understand.  After all, they
Lived through the blitz, Nazis raining bombs indiscriminately down on them, the
Way Hamas is raining bombs down on us.  And when the brave pilots of the RAF
Aimed their bombs at Dresden killing 300,000 men, women and children, they
didn’t throw down leaflets telling people to politely evacuate; didn’t send
Their soldiers to knock on doors to see if they’d followed the leaflets
Instructions ( as CNN complained Israel failed to do at an UNRWA school, which
Was probably hit by a Hamas bomb anyway.)

And I think of the rest of Europe, who rounded up our  grandparents and
Great-grandparents, and relatives –men, women and children—and sent them off to
Be gassed, no questions asked.  And I think:  They are now the moral arbiters of
The free world?  They are telling the descendants of the people they murdered
How to behave when other anti-Semites want to kill them?

As for Americans, represented by the New York Times, that bastion of high-minded
Hypocrisy and mediocre journalism parading as the “newspaper of record,” one has
Only to read the article by Professor Auerbach in the New York Observer (Two
Weeks of Shallow, Facile Moral Equivalency From the New York Times) to see how
Jodi Rudoren and other Times apparatchiks have learned to close their minds and
Love Hamas.  After all, there are CHILDREN DYING.  It doesn’t matter that the
Palestinians have educated an entire generation to be little Nazi-wannabes, who
Worship death and hate Jews, murdering their  souls, and are now callously
Putting their bodies in harm’s way to use for touching photo ops.  We shouldn’t
Be shocked by this omission by the Times. After all,  The New York Times was one
Of the last news outlets to bring to the attention of the reading public the
Nazi atrocities in Europe.  Read the Times during the nightmare years, and see
If you can’t find a pattern here.

And so, as an Israeli, brought up with Jewish values, and an American, taught to
Love freedom, justice, democracy and fair play, I have to tell all of you-
Europeans, Americans, and last of all Muslim terrorist sympathizers and
Barbarians,  that what you are saying no longer moves anyone of good moral
Judgment and intelligence. The current crisis in Gaza is so morally clear-cut,
So absolutely a case of self-defense, that I must say to you, as someone finally
Said to Senator McCarthy: “Sir, have you no shame?”

I prefer that you - writers of these lies and libels-- hate me and my country,
If it means that you can save your tears for other peoples dead. We aren’t
Greedy for sympathy.  After all, we got so much after the Holocaust, we prefer
Other people to have their share now. These days, we prefer to live, rather than
Have people cry over us and the injustices done to us.

So by all means, cry for the Palestinian people - men women and children- whose
Duly elected leadership has callously left them without protection from just
Retribution for their terrorist crimes. Who took their aid money and are living
In Qatar in five star hotels building shopping centers for themselves. Who built
Terrorist tunnels under their homes, mosques, hospitals and schools, and
Recruited their sons to die for Allah, while they sit in bunkers waiting for the
U.N. To rescue them.

Don’t cry for us, or our families, or our children, or grandchildren.  Not  this
Time. Not ever.  Not  if we can help it. Because this time, thank God,  we have
A country.  We are armed.  This time, with God's help,  we know how to protect
Ourselves from Nazis and their high-minded media cheerleaders.

I would like to end this with an expletive and a hand gesture towards the
People I’m addressing.  Please choose one you think would be fitting.  I can
Think of many.

Naomi Ragen (born July 10, 1949) is an American-Israeli Orthodox Jewish author, playwright and women’s rights activist. Ragen lives in Jerusalem and writes in English.

Tuesday, July 29

עיתון ספרדי - השמדנו 6 מיליון חכמים וקיבלנו במקומם 20 מיליון מוסלמים טיפשים

חבריי היקרים !
 על רקע הקריקטורות (על הנביא מוחמד) והזעם המוסלמי המשתולל באירופה התפרסם בעיתוי זה מאמר באנגלית בעיתון אירופאי על יד עיתונאי ספרדי ולהלן תרגום המאמר הנדיר הזה:   
כל החיים האירופיים מתו באושוויץ
חשוב מאד :  האירופים מתחילים להבין - אבל קצת מאוחר !!!!
סבסטיאן וילאר רודריגז 
הלכתי ברחוב בברצלונה ולפתע גיליתי אמת מחרידה - אירופה מתה באושוויץ.
הרגנו ששה מליון יהודים והחלפנו אותם בעשרים מיליון מוסלמים. באושוויץ שרפנו תרבות, מחשבה, יצירתיות, כשרון. הרסנו את העם הנבחר, באמת נבחר, כי הם הולידו אנשים גדולים ונפלאים, אשר שינו את העולם.
תרומתם של אנשים אלה מורגשת בכל תחומי החיים: מדע, אומנות, מסחר בינלאומי ומעל לכל - מצפונו של העולם. אלה האנשים ששרפנו.
ותחת העמדת פנים של סובלנות, ומכיוון שרצינו להוכיח לעצמנו שנרפאנו ממחלת הגזענות, פתחנו שערינו ל20 מליון מוסלמים, אשר הביאו עלינו טיפשות ובורות, קיצוניות דתית ואי-סובלנות, פשע ועוני הנובעים מאי רצון לעבוד ולקיים את משפחותיהם בכבוד.
הם הפכו את הערים הספרדיות היפהפיות שלנו לעולם השלישי, טובעות בזוהמה ופשע.
הם מסתגרים בדירות שקיבלו בחינם מהממשלה ובהן הם מתכננים את הרצח וההרס של מארחיהם התמימים.
וכך - לרוע מזלנו, החלפנו תרבות בשנאה פנאטית, כישרונות יצירתיים בכישורי הרס, אינטליגנציה בפיגור ודעות קדומות. המרנו את רדיפת השלום של יהדות אירופה ותכונתם לתקוות לעתיד טוב יותר לילדיהם, היצמדותם הנחושה בחיים כי החיים קדושים,
באלה אשר תרים אחר המוות, באנשים אשר נכלים בתשוקת המוות לעצמם ולאחרים, לילדינו ולילדיהם.
איזו טעות נוראה נעשתה על ידי אירופה האומללה.
- אנא שלחו מאמר זה למירב האנשים שאתם יכולים, בצירוף הבקשה להעביר זאת הלאה. על האמת להיאמר!

Gas, Gaza and Gazoline I

The secret is out: the Civilised World aka United Nations proclaims to all and sundry that the bully in the playing field is the eternal cause of all bad things that happened since the start of civilisation, when the Creator came down from above and handed Moses tow tablets.
With these two tablets, another item - albeit intangible - came along, as the Gemorro tells us: "Why oh why is the mountain Choreb nicknamed Sinai? Because thereon an everlasting hatred (lit. "Sinah" in Hebrew) descend, pitting all nations against the chosen nation.

However, we Jews are in no small part to blame for fuelling the hatred.  By sitting back and folding our arms saying "we are in the right and nobody in the world will be ordering us around" is not going to explain to the man on the street what we suffered up until this day, what we are going through now and most importantly, what the Arabs had in store for us on our upcoming Day of Judgement (Rosh HaShana 5775).
As a small example, take the fact that the only ones using the Hebrew word for Gaza "עזה" as a meta tag - are the Arabs.  See for yourself: go to Google, click on News and then click on Search Tools, followed by the setting "Past Hour" in the second Search Tool option and "Sorted by date" in the third.  All you will see is the Palestinian authored websites, in the English language.

Boy boy, is this a boycott?
This is the TxT message that was making the rounds in London this week (W4 of July 2014), which has now been adjusted to cater for the refutations by the companies mentioned in (brackets):
"Do not buy in Fress'n'Fruity,Waitrose, (Sainsbury's and Tesco)! Waitrose (and Tesco) took all their Kosher products off their shelves to boycott Israel. (Sainsbury's send some of their profits to Gaza!) So the least we could do now is NOT to buy in these shops! Please forward to as many people as you can. Don't support our enemies!"

Here are some links to help with Hasbarah:

The good:

From EdgwareK


General Publicity: News from soldiers in Israel

Anonymous Poster 24/July/14 05:43 PM
From Muquata 
12:15pm From a Solider at the Front.
Original in Hebrew....translated into English with a few comments from me. Having been down there a few times, I can personally vouch for the accuracy of this letter. On a personal note, before going down South last night for a pizza delivery to IDF soldiers, my daughter gave me a stack of letters and pictures from children in our community to distribute to the delivery. After giving the soldiers 60 pies, I said, "Wait, I have to give you the letters from the kids..." A soldier stopped everything and said -- "THOSE are the most important...much more than the pizza...and hugged a pile of letters that I gave him."

Am Yisroel Chai! 

A soldier on the border writes:
What's happening here in the staging area [area where soldiers prepare to enter Gaza] is beyond comprehension, not rationally, not emotionally and beggars the imagination. 

Almost every hour a car shows up overflowing with food, snacks, cold drinks, socks, underwear, undershirts, hygiene supplies, wipes, cigarettes, backgammon and more. They're coming from the North and the Centre, from manufacturers, from companies and private businesses, from prisons, Charedim and Settlers, from Tel Aviv and even Savion. 

Every intersection on the way down here we get stopped, not by the police, but by residents giving out food. What is amazing is that the entire situation wasn't organized and everyone is coming on their own without coordination between the folks coming. 

They're writing letters and blessings, how they're thinking of us all the time. There are those who spent hours making sandwiches, so they're as perfect and comforting as possible. 

Of course representatives of Chabad are here to help soldiers put on Tefillin and distributing Cha'Ta'Ts (Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya) for every troop transport and Breslov are showing up to the border and dancing with the soldiers with great joy. 

The Charedim are coming from their yeshivas to ask the names of the soldiers with their mothers' names so that the whole yeshiva can pray for them. It should be mentioned that all of this is done under the threat of the terrorist tunnels and rockets in the area. 
Soroka Hospital (in Be'er Sheva) today looks like a 5 star hotel. A wounded friend who was recently discharged told us how the MasterChef truck is parked outside and is preparing food for the wounded. 

It goes without saying the amount of prayer services that are going on. On the religious front as well, there are lectures and Torah classes, all the food is obviously Kosher. Shacharis, Mincha, and Ma'ariv with Sifrei Torah. They're giving out tzitzit and Tehillim by the hundreds. It's become the new fashion! The Rabbi of Maglan [Special Forces unit] told me that almost the entire unit has started wearing them, because the Army Rabbinate has been giving out tzitzit that wick away sweat. They're gaining both a Mitzvah and a high quality undershirt. We've started calling them "Shachpatzitzit" (a portmanteau of the Hebrew term for body armour and tzitzit). We're having deep conversations late into the night without arguments, without fights and we find ourselves agreeing on most stuff. 

We're making lots of jokes at Hamas's expense and without politics. There's lots more to add but my battery is running low and the staff has been requesting someone give a class on Likutei MoharaN (Breslov). 

How happy is the nation that is like this!

The bad:

The funny:

The ugly:

Israel needs to destroy Hamas’ ability to terrorize This is from Korea, a country in the far east
WASHINGTON ― Though Israel should never carelessly ignore U.S. pressure, it nevertheless must resist current U.S. efforts to impose a cease-fire on the Israel-Hamas conflict while Israel remains besieged by rockets and tunnels.
To be sure, the United States has provided Israel with vital military, economic and diplomatic support since its founding after World War II and, without bedrock U.S. support, Israel could become dangerously isolated.
This time, however, Jerusalem must accept the growing friction in U.S.-Israeli relations of recent weeks, ignore Washington’s pressure to cease military operations and finish the job for three basic reasons.
First, Israel knows best how to protect itself from the dangers emanating from a terrorist entity on its border that no other nation would tolerate ― nor, frankly, be pressured by Washington to tolerate.
Hamas, which calls for murdering Jews and destroying Israel, has launched thousands of rockets across the Jewish state not just in recent weeks but for years, and its surprisingly sophisticated network of tunnels that Israel was fortunate to discover as part of Operation Protective Edge was designed to enable its operatives to cross the border to kill or capture scores, if not hundreds, of Israelis.
In fact, Israel learned from captured Hamas fighters during its current operation that Hamas planned a massive terror operation during the Jewish High Holidays in late September, with hundreds of fighters crossing into Israel at night and quickly positioning themselves to kill or capture as many Israeli civilians as possible.
No country can live under constant attack from the air or the threat of infiltration from numerous openings in the ground, and it is Israel, not the United States, that suffers directly when Hamas hits its targets.
Second, Hamas ― not Israel ― can bring peace immediately by halting its attacks, dismantling its rockets and filling its tunnels. As Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor put it aptly, “When it is quiet in Israel, it will be quiet in Gaza.”
After all, Hamas is the aggressor, Israeli the responder. Hamas seeks to kill as many innocent Israelis as possible and, by hiding in schools, mosques and hospitals, force Israel to kill as many innocent Gazans as possible.
Even while battling a genocidal group under such circumstances, Israel seeks to limit death and destruction by warning Gazans of coming attacks, treating Gazans who are caught in the crossfire at Israeli hospitals and restoring power to Gaza after Hamas hits power lines.
Thus, in its efforts to end the current Israeli-Hamas conflict and promote long-term Israeli-Palestinian peace, the United States would be well-advised to shift its public pressure from Israel to Hamas.
Third, Jerusalem has legitimate concerns about whether Washington understands the essence of this conflict, the nature of its combatants, and the best way forward for Israel in its turbulent neighborhood.
Although the United States is Israel’s most important ally, only Jerusalem can decide how to protect its people from relentless terrorist attack in a global environment that unfairly targets the Jewish state and excuses its enemies.
By Lawrence J. Haas, A former communications director for Vice President Al Gore, Lawrence J. Haas is a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council. ― Ed. (McClatchy-Tribune News Service) (MCT Information Services)
ע”פ פסק הרבנות הצבאית כשמוצאים מחבל יוצא ממנהרה צריך לברך המוציא לוחם מן הארץ

ר' חיים נשאל: הרי החזון איש הבטיח שבבני ברק לא יפלו פצצות? ענה: הרסיסים לא היו בגודל של שיעור חזון איש.

הכריזו הפסקת אש, באנגלית Cease Fire אלא שהפקיד באו"ם מוצאו מליטא, אז אמר שיס פייער.

Thursday, July 24

Disaster averted by alert lorry driver

Wednesday 8:34AM 09/03/2011, Clapton Common

Two blond-haired girls, aged 9 & 10 casually crossed the northern part of the pelican crossing near the Clapton Common pond.  They pressed the button on the traffic light to replace the "Red man" for a "Green man".  Apparently they were in a rush because they didn't wait for the light to change.
The oncoming morning rush hour traffic came to an abrupt halt, miraculously stopping without causing any collision between the truck hauling building materials and the vehicles behind it.
The lorry driver was as shocked as the onlookers on the street, as the two youngsters chatted amicably whilst walking on the road like sitting ducks.
One bystander reprimanded them to be more careful but they shrugged him off as if he were a mere nuisance, disturbing their conversation with his nonsensical, unsolicited advice.
This article is not aimed at finding whom to blame for this near-tragedy, only to highlight a possible gap in the curriculae of our otherwise excellent schools and Chadorim.
Schools are reminded to ensure that their student body is well trained in the subjects that will help them in their future life.  Educators should allow some space in their busy schedules to teach their pupils survival skills so they can implement the lessons that they were taught. Part of the effort should be to engrave into the conscience of their charges, how to cross the roads safely and with traffic in mind.
To the parents of these girls - and for the same matter, to all parents - please teach your children the rudimentary of safely walking the streets.  You will ensure their safety, the time of the many volunteers in Hazolo and the anguish of passersby, like the undersigned

Published in the Jewish Tribune that week, thanks to the Editor Dan levy

Monday, July 21

Askanim, Miskenim or Mesukanim

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: menasche scharf <>
Date: 16 July 2014 00:43
Subject: Askanim, Miskenim or Mesukanim
To: Letters to Editor <>

Dear Editor
Askanim, Miskenim or Mesukanim
I have been following the on-page debate about activism in the community. I had decided to offer my two-pence worth, however as the weeks flew by it looked to me as if I'd be wasting my time - given the long time since your excellent documentary first appeared.
The Inbox letter of this week's Mishpacha (#516) gave me the impetus to act: it's not too late...
The above introduction would describe the 'middle of the road Askan', who says to himself "my input is too little, it's too late anyway etc.".
To them I say: Please D.U.Y.: Don't Underestimate Yourself!
Together as a group it is possible to achieve - a joint effort is worth all the input. Especially with today's e-collaboration tools (i.e. CrowdSourcing, ProjectSharing) and a young generation of leaders - YOU included - it allows us to network and so build communal services as never before.
Senior askonim would not look down at us (another 'reason' to delay our involvement): we will make the older generation proud, with the knowledge that their lifelong dedication will continue to bear the fruit they so much gave for.
If you don't have a clue where to start,  do contact me via Mishpacha.
A middle of the road Askan
Menasche Scharf,
South Tottenham, UK


This past sunday the gregorian calendar was 101010101010:
10/10/2010 (American AND other formats) 10:10:10hrs

Thursday, July 17

Traffic hazards

Letter to the
Tribune 2010

Menasche Scharf

07974 160 252

Wednesday, July 9


My son was born premature and confined to an incubator for the first month of his life.  With the day of the Pidyon HaBen fast approaching, I was at a loss as to how to do it the proper way.  I mean you can do the Pidyon HaBen anywhere but it would have been nice to hold it at home, in a familiar setting (at least for the father…).
After consulting with a number of people it was agreed that I will need to call upon the good services of Rabbi Kernkraut, who – in the course of his work on behalf of people needing medical assistance – knows whom to contact for just this purpose.  Problem was (and still is), it’s hard to get in touch with him as he’s constantly on the move and this happened twenty five years ago when there were hardly any mobiles around.
This was occupying my thoughts when I went to visit a family friend from Eretz Yisroel, who was hospitalised in the Wellington Hospital in St John's Wood, who fell ill whilst visiting in London.
As I entered the suite, I saw a new face sitting at the patient’s bedside.  Upon asking for his name, I was given the much sought after identity of the person I was looking for!  Not only did he spare me the return trip by underground, he graciously offered to help me have the use of a consultation hall in the Homerton hospital, where we held the Pidyon HaBen with friends and family around as if it would have been at home!
Had I come five minutes later…
Had he left five minutes earlier…



My friend was driving home from work and offered me a lift (hitch/tremp).  He dropped me at Manor House Tube Station, on the side going into town.  In order to take the 253 bus home I needed to cross the main road.  It was a rather bad weather so I didn’t want to wait at the pedestrian crossing for the light to turn green, so I descended the steps to use the underpass of the underground station. 
As I was passing the exit that leads to Woodberry Down I met a Yid with a suitcase looking up and down.  
I asked him where he’s going and he told me that he wants to go to Stamford Hill by foot.  
This was Friday afternoon…  I took him back to the other side of the station and showed him the 253 Bus stop.
Had I not been dropped on the wrong side, 
Had I decided to use the traffic lights,
Had I decided to ignore this lost Jew…

Monday, July 7




When Rabbi Meir Shapiro זצ"ל announced the idea of Daf haYomi, it was enthusiastically accepted by the millions of Torah-true Jews the world over.  It is well know that in the late  thirties, people leaving Gdansk for the New World, arrived in Sao Paolo and re-joined the Daf haYomi Shiur they were learning before leaving Poland a couple of weeks earlier.

What is even more astounding about the Daf is that (in the current and previous cycle at least) there is a connection between the weekly Sedra (Parsha) and the Daf on a continuous, constant basis. 

Learners of the Daf will notice that - inevitably - there will be a Sugya (discussion) in the Gemara that brings a Posuk (verse) of the weekly Sedra.  Sometimes, when no clue is forthcoming from the weekly portion, there will be a Rashi commentary on the Yomtef falling in that week which will be mentioned in the Daf.

It is as if the programming of the Daf haYomi cycle was almost pre-planned as precise as Rabbi Hillel’s Luach (who was Kove’a (established) for us all the Z’manim of the new month, year and Yomtefs - until this present day).

This all points to the age old saying HaSh-m, the Jewish People and the Torah are one!
It takes courage to stand up to speak, it takes even more courage to open your mind to listen!
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Tuesday, July 1

RE: Letter to the Editor Facing my double

From: "Administration" <>
Date: 2 Jun 2014 14:47
Subject: RE: Letter to the Editor Facing my double


Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to send a letter to our magazine. I have forwarded it to our editorial staff. We really appreciate receiving feedback from our readers.

All the best and a joyful Shavuos,
Mishpacha Magazine
077 202 0500
Fax: 077 202 0501

From: Mishpacha Submissions []
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:48 AM
To: 'Administration'
Subject: Letter to the Editor Facing my double

Letter to the Editor

From: menasche scharf []
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 1:38 PM
To: Mishpacha Submissions
Subject: Facing my double

Dear editor
Re: "Facing my double"
In issue #508 Eytan Kobre laments the fact that people are quick to pad judgment on others without first getting out fact from myth.
Indeed,  the admonition by  to judge one's neighbour favourably ends with the words "lekaf zechus", which can be translated literally as a "spoonful of merit".
If the Chachomim would have been in our generation, they would have told us to judge every person with a "pot" full of merit.
But then again, who am I to judge...
May we all be judged favorably by HaShem and by people!
Menasche Scharf
07974 160 252