Monday, November 14

Jewish Survival - Part II

Intermarriage is a Strategic Risk! (The Diaspora Committee). It may be stopped either: A. The hard way, by cruel Anti-Semitic events that we never know to what it may lead. Or B. By the easy way, through educating to life of purity and understanding why G-d chose and sanctified the Jewish people, by "Mikva education to every Yid "!
Until the final and perfect redemption, it is important for us to dwell in different places. As brought: "Hashem made us a favour that He dispersed us among the nations! So that in case of adversity in one country, rescue may come from somewhere else!" (Psachim 87: Rashi).
At the establishment of the Independent State of Israel - (1948), the prime minister declared: "Our future is in our hands! There will be no more Jewish detention and death camps! And any Jew around the world that will be in trouble, we will save him!" He also objected to mention Hashem's name in the "Scroll of Independence".
“And it happened to the contrary!" (Esther 9:1). The Creator proves us daily, that our existence depends on Him. Since the above declaration in no place in the world, so many Jews were killed, only because they were Jews. 23.447 since 1948. The 100 Year All Arab War against us, started in 1917, with the British Lord Balfour declaration for a Jewish Home in Palestine. The first battle, 1921 in Tel-Chai, and the Massacre of the Jewish community in Chevron 1929. And the Holy Land is the only country in the world, threatened with total nuclear annihilation, G-d forbid. All the Jewish communities around the world, live in the shadow of terrorism, synagogues and Jewish schools around the world, needs a visible or invisible, tide police protection, because of the State of Israel.
When a painful problem occurs, every human-being turns to the Creator and prays to him, even if outside the synagogue, and with his very own words.
It is our duty to promote:
A. The words of the prophet Yeshaya (1:15, 16, Targum Yonason): G-d declares: "even when you pray fervently, I do not listen!" One of the first conditions for G-d to hear and accept our prayers with mercy and compassion, is Mikva immersion for the sake of repentance!
B. "Repent a day before. ..!" (Avot 2:10), and since no one knows the day of his death, therefore, we should repent every day!
C. The words of the book Orchot Chaim, by the Rosh: "Do not pray without "Netilat Yadayim" of your hands and Mikva immersion, since your prayer will not be heard and accepted!”
What is the connection between prayer and immersion?
Since within the Mikva waters:
1. We are also undressed from our pride and we stand humbly and with total submission to the Creator, which adds power to our prayer.
2. In complete isolation from the environment, without interference from our five senses, which keeps us busy and disturb our concentration of thought, and that may give us a false and misguided good feeling even when we stand a step from an abyss.
3. Deprived of breathing air, we are at the gate between life and death, when instinctively every human-being is calling out to the Creator, while "we stands alone with G-d” and beg Him: "O' G-d please help me!"
4. Then every-one submits G-d his daily list of requests.
5. However, then we better realize that G-d too has a list of demands from us, that we should learn Torah, also in order that we should know to keep G-ds commandments,
6. We must anticipate to fulfil G-ds requirements from us, in order that G-d will receive with mercy and compassion our prayers.
7. Hence we join the road of repentance.
8. And we emerge from the Mikva with a Hope and Joy of a new Leaf for a new and more glorious life.
9. Therefore, Mikva immersion is a most effective mean to call out to G-d even in good times, in order to avoid problems and/or to resolve them.

The situation requires contribution to this critical matter, at least once a month or once a year.
Please send us your postal and / or email address, to get uplifting and persuasive material that you will be able to spread and gain the greatest Mitzvah. Local activity does not exempt the support of global operations. Please help us distribute Mikva materials to all Jews. See article: "Why Mikva Immersion?" Video fascinating explanation: "The Mystery of Life!" Great educational materials, results, recommendations, lectures, donations and dedications:
"Survival MikvaTikva", Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva Israel, Shmaya Street 20, Bnei-Brak 5132703
USA: Imanuel Ravad, MikvaTikva, 1360-44 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219
3 Iyar 5776 – (11.5.016)

First published on 18/05/2016 on Jewish P.O.S.T. - the Jewish Voice for the People Of South Tottenham

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