Sunday, July 3

Bayis Bagova - Mentschlichkeit Regulations

Mentschlichkeit Regulations


If you are a Chiyuv, be it a Yahrzeit, Ba’al Simche or lehavdil Oveyl L”A, please inform the management well in advance.  This will help avoid any possible conflicts with other Mispallelim who may also be a Chiyuv.


On Shabbes there will be only one Minyan (no exceptions) for every Tefillah, so that we can all eat the Meals together. Exact times will still be informed to you.

Mikveh - מקוה

The מקוה is available daily to the hotel guests free of charge.

Please note that we take no responsibility, whatsoever; it is therefore essential that:

a.       Children under the age of 10 are accompanied by an adult, who takes full responsibility. 

b.      Any items left in or around the Mikveh will be deposited in the השבת אבידה box in the main reception area. 

c.       Towels for the Mikveh that belong to the hotel have to be taken back with you after use.  Fresh towels will only be given according to the amount there is in the room.

Oneg Shabbos

We welcome any volunteer to help organise the Oneg Shabbos group for boys, girls and ladies.  This includes helping with supervision, donating/sponsoring goodies, meeting the group on the walk, lending chairs, offering to give a drosho or allowing them to take place in your flat.


We try to arrange an Eruv every year.  It is paramount that children do not interfere with the Eruv, neither on Shabbos nor throughout the week.

Wake up service

We can wake you up for Davening, learning or other purpose.  Just leave a note with reception with your Flat or local Mobile Number and the time you want to be woken up.

Lost & Found Box

Please deposit all items that you find in and around the Alpine Village into the Lost and Found box.  Remember to sew name tags with telephone numbers on ALL your belongings.

If you find a lost item, do hand it in to the bus driver, bus station or Tourist Office – unless it is obvious that it belongs to a member of the faith, in which case please bring it to Shul where it can be returned without the need for elaborate red tape and administrative acrobatics…

Organised Trips
If we need to organise a trip for a group, please give us a week or two notice BEFORE arriving to the Alpine Village.  You may be asked to help with a Minyan for Shacharis to ensure the trip runs according to Halachic Dictums.

קידוש ה'

Please keep in mind to make a good impression on the Goyim around us, so they should praise the Jewish People.


                 Your are just a guest here, they live here, so walk and talk quietly.

                 Greet the people around you with a smile (Gruezi! - even if they don’t smile back)

                 Say “Thank you” and “Please”.

                 Wait patiently in the queue until it is your turn.

                 Always state the REAL age of your child/ren, even for short rides.

                 There is no justifiable excuse for leaving KOSHER food wrappers on pathways and promenades or inside buses or cable cars…

Remember to take with

                 Siddur with Tefillos for Weekdays, Shabbos & Erev Rosh Chodesh and Birkas Hamozon, Al Hamichyoh & Tefillas HaDerech, Chumash, Tehillim, Tefillin, Gartel

                 Tallis for Shabbes

                 Work shoes / climbing boots (if applicable), Raincoat, Chalat, Sun hat/Cap/Sun lotion, Flip flops, Swimming costumes

                 Unlocked mobile with local SIM and power adapter (or Global plug to UK adaptor).

                 You will get two different sizes of towels, if you wish to have very big sized towels, please take them along from home.

                 Please be aware that the weather may be quite chilly in the mountains, so make sure you take along sufficient warm clothing.

                 All your belongings should be labelled, ideally with your home AND vacation contact details.

Kosher-Shopping in Coop, Migros and Denners

Check on with the link “Koscherliste”, which is approved by Rabbonim in Zurich to see an update of the products that may be bought from these large supermarkets.  You may borrow a printed Koscherliste at the reception desk for a deposit of CHF5.00.

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