Sunday, January 29

ShabbatUK at Woodford Forest United Synagogue

 The Travelling Chassidim of London were privileged to spend Shabbos with the warm and welcoming community of Woodford Forest, East London, who has at its helm the tireless Rabbi and Rebbetzin Wollenberg and their family.

We arrived shortly before Shabbos and were warmly welcomed by the Rabbi.  The assistant Esther showed us to our comfortably prepared rooms, which were to be our lodging quarters for the duration of ShabbatUK.

Friday night we met the members who came to daven and were eager to welcome us and make us feel at home in every way possible. We enjoyed a spirited Kabbalat Shabbat, replete with singing and Maariv davening was filled with warm songs and followed by dancing in unison – the Travelling Chassidim and members of the local community coming together in a rare show of unity!

We were then escorted to the Rabbi's house where a lavish meal was served - all cooked and prepared by the Rebbetzin, the assistant Esther and the Wollenberg children.  Stories and Divrei Torah were shared and in spite of our different backgrounds we bonded over insightful conversation and delectable food and wine.

Shabbat morning we listened to the Rabbi's shiur on Tanya, whose insightful yet practical words of inspiration and Jewish thought were relevant and meaningful to all. It was then that we met Shul members who had not been in shul the night before; what a welcome we received!

Shacharit followed with the Chassidic touch, Rabbi Aron Weingarten leading the prayers with songs that created a cohesive and inspiring atmosphere. The reading of the Torah was interspersed with Mazel Tov wishes and singing for the 85th Birthday and for the birth of a great-granddaughter – both Simchos of locals. A festive atmosphere permeated the whole assembly and was upped to the next level by the Rabbi’s warm words of inspiration. Rabbi Wollenberg's uplifting words about the power of the Shabbos - specifically the impact of a nationwide ShabbatUK - as a time to inspire others to find meaning in Shabbat and their everyday lives, empowered the audience to raise the bar for Yiddishkeit.

After Mussaf we were led to the eating area where a lavish sitting down kiddush lunch was lovingly prepared by the Rebbetzin and the ever-present Esther. It was then that the atmosphere peaked with the Travelling Chassidim singing traditional oldies as well as Chassidic songs. We also spent the time meeting and getting acquainted with each other, discussing our lives, communities and histories. Friendships were forged as young and old bonded finding the things that bring us together rather than the differences that set us apart.

One shul participant remarked "it's never been this atmospheric before", another said "you made our Shabbos atmosphere" - everyone was in good spirits and palpable energy was felt throughout the whole Shabbos.

The Travelling Chassidim were again escorted to the Rabbi's house where we were given the traditional 'chulent', kugels and dessert. Family Wallenberg's hospitality is really legendary!

Mincha followed after a Shabbat nap together with a cozy Shalosh Seudos - again prepared in style, sparing no effort. Traditional Zemirot was sung as well as other Jewish niggunim; the atmosphere was one of friendship and cohesion!

Shabbos ended too quickly but with fond memories of this wonderful opportunity to meet such a hospitable and loving community and to bring different sectors of the Jewish community together is really unforgettable!

Huge Shoutout to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Wallenberg, Esther Odze and the wonderful Wollenberg clan for going all out to make this happen! See: Selichot 5783 - YouTube

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