Sunday, January 1



Adapted from Anash News ה׳ טבת ה׳תשפ״ג - DECEMBER 29, 2022

 Leytonstone and Wanstead Synagogue Hosted a total of 3 menorah lightings around the London Neighbourhood with many in attendance despite the rain.

For the fourth year, the Leytonstone Menorah stood at the far end of Fillebrook Road – just opposite Leytonstone tube station, East London.

On Sunday 18th December, which was the first night of Chamuka, the shamesh was lit by the Mayor of Waltham Forest, Karen Bellamy, in front of a crowd of over 300 people who sampled traditional doughnuts, latkes, and hot chocolate. This year’s public menorah lighting featured music from the London Klezmer Band, led by Yossi Davidovich (clarinet), along with Josh Middleton (accordion), Piotr Jordan (violin) and Noam Barkani (guitar). They were joined by Menasche Scharf, the founder of The Shul Hoppers, who – apart from keeping the crowds dancing - also sang the three Chanukah blessings.

Leytonstone and Wanstead Synagogue’s Rabbi Yitzchok Austin, whose family also attended, gave a talk about Hakhel to a mixed crowd of local Shul members and visitors from neighbouring areas including Walthamstow, Stratford, and Forest Gate. Various local dignitaries including Councillors and Waltham Forest Council representatives were also in attendance. Despite the relentless rain and after a freezing week of snow and ice, high spirits were sustained throughout the Menorah lighting event with plenty of singing, socialising, and dancing.

The Leytonstone Menorah was made using funds granted by Waltham Forest London Borough of Culture 2019 and the installation with logistical and infrastructural support from the National Highways. The street party was supported by the London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Leader’s Fund; and the overall event was organised by Leytonstone and Wanstead Synagogue – a small dynamic community based in Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone, East London.

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