Monday, October 30

How to *Fight* in Time of War

Milchomo = Fight!

These murderous scoundrels claim that the IDF is to blame for 29,000 deaths, when in the same paragraph they complain about 1.9 million displaced persons. Let's see: at the last count, there were 2.1 million residents in the Gazah strip, with 171,889 in Rafah, this leaves us with just 28,111 people unaccounted for. The terrorists are included in this last figure, so deduct at least 6,000 - the official number as of today (week three in February 2024). This leaves only 22,111 'residents' who were killed, only because they were prevented by the terrorists from moving out from the war zone!

Know your Enemy

The enemy has many faces: UN, UNESCO, UNIFIL, UNHRA and some non-acronyms

Did they behave similarly when THIS happened?!  See THISMalaysian Incursion by Filipinos Ends in Deadly Clash

On a lighter note: 

The latest: UN€SC0 decided to change the designation of the State of Israel; instead of "The Holy Land", it will now be called "The Holey Land" - due to the many holes that riddle the country, particularly in the area around Gazah.

The surge in Synagogue attendance should not be overlooked!  One lady told me, during a birthday walk in Queens Wood (Highgate, London) "I told G-d that I'll be coming to Shul as long as this war is on". I begged her to retract this promise, as we want no war: she should come to Shul regardless... See:

I hope you are keeping well and I hope your friends/family in Israel and elsewhere are safe and well!

Listen to two exclusive insights from renowned British podcaster, historian and lecturer, Rabbi Aubrey Hersh, who sheds light on the current situation.  I hope these podcasts will shed some light on this dark time.

Part 1: Delve into the history of the complex dynamic between Yishmael and Yisrael, the characteristics that define Yishmael and give them power, and what we can do, in a spiritual sense, to combat the enemy right now.  Rabbi Hersh referred to this podcast as "the most important podcast I have ever made."  Click here to listen to Yishmael vs. Yisrael - The Biblical Conflict

Part 2: we will examine Social Media and how it is alive with 'facts' about Israel, many of which are untrue or taken out of context.  With the help of International Foreign Policy analyst Dr Mitchell Bard, Rabbi Hersh go through 120 years of Middle Eastern history, pointing out the major events and the documented truths about them and dispelling myths and false accusations.  Click here to listen to Yishmael vs Yisrael - The Israeli-Arab conflict

Support IDF Soldiers - Donate Tzitzit & Tefillin
The Belz Yeshiva boys in Beitar have tackled a truckload of those, so that thousands of holy Jews may be protected by the holy Tzitzis when they enter the holy battle to protect the holy land.
Partner for Peace

SeeTell the UK government you're in Israel or the Occupied Palestinian Territories | FCDO | GOV.UK, for repatriation flights to UK citizens who are stranded in Eretz Yisroel.

Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 at 12:17, From: Petitions: UK Government and Parliament
Click this link to sign the petition "Seek to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas".
Thanks, The Petitions team, UK Government and Parliament.

See Richard Verber's take on the situation, who wrote the following in the Bereshis edition of You&US newsletter by the United Synagogue in London:

"Our Rabbis teach that taking part in Jewish learning can have a transformational effect on the souls of the departed and brings greater spirituality to the world".

See: The children of Israel are calling- Stand by me - YouTube

Taking the cue from his above sagacious words, I'm happy to introduce an Historic Milestone:

Join Amud Yomi of Talmud Bavli!

Use the sure-fire antidote to Esau and Yishmael's machinations against the People of Israel.

Be part of the Jewish people's effort to eradicate the forces of evil from our world, by joining this daily learning regimen (started on 16/10/2023 - Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan).

Below are the links that I received from Rabbi Eckstein, the UK coordinator for Dirshu, which I hope will give you a taster that will make you ask for more:

 - A lesson from Rabbi Yirmiyahu Lesin: on Brachot Daf 2a

 - Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter teaches Brachot Daf 2a at

 - The Daf Academy organisation is also starting Omud Yomi today.

 - If you prefer listening to Shiurim in Hebrew, see דוסקאסט - ספרית הפודקאסטים הגדולה במגזר החרדי ( 



Listen to Rabbi Baruch Nussbaum (in Hebrew):

Good news, everyone! At 2pm on Monday Oct 23, we passed 30,000 signatures on The October Declaration in support of British Jews. Thanks to all of you who have signed so far – every name counts. You are brilliant. If you haven’t signed yet, please do so, and share with family and friends, at

Thursday, October 26

והקדוש ברוך הוא מצילנו מידם

והקב"ה מצילנו מידם - ראה להלן מכתב מהרב יואל שילה שליט"א

כתב לי הרב יוסף טיירי, המתעסק בעירוב השכונתי ברמה ד' בבית שמש:

"אתמול (יום שבת קדש פרשת נח) נשמע פיצוץ מחריד ביותר סמוך לביתנו [ללא אזעקה מוקדמת]

מה שהתברר אח"כ, שהיה זה פיצוץ מבוקר ע"י המשטרה, וכך היה המעשה:

כזכור בשמחת תורה נפל טיל בשכונתנו - צמוד למתחם בתי כנסיות קראוונים עם מאות מתפללים. נפער חור עמוק באדמה אך לא התפוצץ לאחר מכן כשפינו את הטיל ראו שהוא ללא ראש נפץ, חפרו עמוק שתי מטר וגם לא מצאו, אז הבינו שכנראה 'משום מה' הוא נפל באמצע הדרך.

אתמול אחד מהתושבים בשכונה שלנו ראה את הראש נפץ הנ"ל בפארק השכונתי, כ100 מטר לפני מקום הנפילה [ובמוצ"ש דיווח זאת למשטרה והם עשו פיצוץ מבוקר], כך שהוברר ש'אלפית השניה' קודם שנפל הטיל אז, נפל ממנו הראש נפץ [ואף לא התפוצץ] וכך נמנע אסון כבד.

נס נוסף: היה מונח שבועיים בקצה הפארק ואף א' מהילדים לא שיחק בו..."

אגב, מתחם בתי הכנסת הנ"ל בתוך היקף העירוב השכונתי [ואילו הפארק - מקום נפילת הראש נפץ - מחוץ לעירוב] כנראה זכות שמירת השבת הגינה שלא יגיע הטיל כשראש הנפץ עדין מחובר לו!

כתב לי הרב שלמה שטרנליכט שליט"א, שסיפרתי לו על הנס שהטיל לא התפוצץ בין בתי הכנסת בשכונה שלנו, בתוך תוואי העירוב המהודר ברמת בית שמש ד', וראש הנפץ עף ממנו רגע לפני הנפילה, ונחת בפארק שמחוץ לתוואי העירוב, וגם לא התפוצץ:

"שמעתי מכמה גדולי ישראל, וכן ראיתי נדפס בשם האריז"ל, שמקום המוקף בעירוב נקרא רשות היחיד והוא מקום משומר מן המזיקין, ועפ"י קבלה זה נקרא רשות יחידו של עולם שעולה עד לרקיע, והוא משומר ע"י שכינתו יתברך, ואילו רשות הרבים למרות שלמעלה מעשרה טפחים הוא מקום פטור, אבל רשות הרבים הוא מדור הקליפות, וזה הוא הפגם הגדול של מוציא בשבת מרה"י לרה"ר וגם לכרמלית, כי בזה מוציא נשמתו וכו' וגם זה הוא הענין של יוצא מחוץ לתחום בשבת, ואין לי עסק בנסתרות.  אבל כנראה וכפי המובן לי זה הוא הענין.".


ולכן יש ענין גדול להכין עירוב בעיר אם זה כשר לפי רוב הפוסקים ומעיקר הדין, למרות שבעלי נפש המתיראים מריח חטא לא יטלטלו,השי"ת יצילנו וישמור אותנו תמיד בכל מקום.


שומר ישראל שמור שארית עם אחד!

 שאלתי עוד את הרב שטרנליכט:

האם הרעיון שלך לגבי קליפות וכדו' ברשות הרבים, להבדיל מהשמירה שברשות היחיד

הוא גם ביום חול או רק בשבת, ואם כן- הרי שיש ענין לתקן את העירוב גם ביום חול?

והשיב: "כל אלו הן שאלות טובות, אבל צריכים להבין בתורת הח"ן מהות נשמה היהודית שהוא חלק הוי"ה עמו, ואנחנו בנים לה' אלוקיכם, בני בכורי ישראל, ואנו נקראים ראשית כמו התורה, נשמותינו באים מכל מיני יחודי שמות של הוי"ה אלקי"ם של עולם האצילות, יש חכמה ובינה ו"ק ומלכות ואין כאן מקום להאריך, גם שבת הוא שמא דקודשא בריך הוא, שבת קודש הוא רזא דאחד, רזא דעולם האצילות וכו' ולכן רק לנו ניתן השבת במתנה, ולא לעמים ואדרבה חז"ל עוד הוסיפו לאמר שגוי ששבת או שעוסק בתורה דהיינו חוץ מז' מצוות חייב מיתה, והקב"ה שהבדיל בין הקודש ובין החול גם הבדיל בין ישראל לעמים ובין יום השביעי לימי החול ובין אור לחושך כי כולם הם משורש אחד, קודש וישראל ושבת ואור הם עניינים אחידים, וההיפוך ג"כ, ואפילו נפש הבהמית שלנו הוא מקליפת נגה, אבל גוי שנשמתו הוא מג' קליפות הטמאות אין לו שייכות לא להתורה ותרי"ג מצוות ובעיקר לא לשבת קודש ששקול כנגד כל התורה, כי אורייתא כולא שמא דקודשא בריך הוא, ואורייתא וקוב"ה וישראל חד,  שבת ועבודה זרה הם שוים ומי שאינו שומר בשבת בפרהסיא הוא כעובד ע"ז לכל דבר, כי עוקר נפשו מיחידו של עולם ומוסרה להקליפות כמו מי שעובד ע"ז, ולכן רק יהודי שמוציא מרה"י לרה"ר עוקר נשמתו מרשות יחידו של עולם (ששורש נשמתו הוא סוד האחדות) לרה"ר מקום הקליפות עולמות הנפרדים, וכן הוא בכל הל"ט מלאכות ואכ"מ בביאורים אלו, ועכ"פ שמירת שבת הוא שמירה לנפשות ישראל גם בכל השבוע, ומי ששומר שבת הקב"ה שומרו בכל עת גם בימות החול.

וכמובן שבמקום המוקף בעירוב לשם מצות עירוב לצורך שבת כמו שתיקן שלמה המלך בחכמתו (ואין שום חכמה בעירוב שהקב"ה אומר לזה אם חכם בני ישמח לבי גם אני אם לא הסוד העליון שבדבר עם כל מיני צירופי שמות)  יש שמירה עליונה "תמידית" מהקב"ה שהוא יחידו של עולם. 

הלואי שאזכה להבין וללמוד בקדושה וטהרה את ספרי הזוהר הקדוש וכתבי הראשונים בקבלה וכתבי האריז"ל, ואז נבין שכל דברי חז"ל בכל הש"ס ובפרט דברי אגדה שבש"ס הם מאוחדים בתכלית ברזין עילאין קדישין. 

אני רק הבנתי מעט מספרי קודש של אדמור"י החסידות, וגם מקצת עיון בספרי קבלה, וגם ממה ששמעתי מתלמידי חכמים אמיתיים שלומדים תורת הח"ן בקדושה, אבל אני לא עוסק בזה כי אינני ראוי לזה.".

Monday, October 23

How to Pray in a Time of War

See this link for Part I:

Tefillah = Daven!

The Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade (main combat unit in the Gaza area), literally crying, begged to convey to us, the chareidi tzibbur, that we're not awake enough to the war situation in Gaza and that the fighting is very difficult and dangerous. The terrible situation is that soldiers are being killed each and every night. He emphasized that the main fighting at night starts from 11PM and continues until the morning, but the hardest hours are 2-5AM. He brings his soldiers further and further inward to fight, but he doesn't feel like he has enough support from the יראים ושלמים staying up at night to daven and say Tehillim for the soldiers. He requested that the chareidim take responsibility for organizing minyanim to say Tehillim, especially during those hours. - all the chevre to do is to coordinate prayer opportunities in Israel & around the world and in all our yeshivas.

Join the worldwide Prayer session: Day of Prayer –

Whenever the words מתיר אסורים or similar words are said during Davening, please have full כונה and beseech HaShem to grant the hostages a speedy release!

See the Belz World Centre packed with people praying for our safety.

Help bring back the 230 Hamas hostages; help bring back the 230,000 souls to Yiddishkeit!

Join the Tehillim Group: Kupas Yom Tov/Shela-He Tehillim United

By attending a vigil, a prayer or helping organise the Shabbos Project (or any other such activity) will have a ripple effect to positively influence the outcome of this conflict.  Here is a picture of dear Ken from up North, who attended the Manchester vigil (11/10/2023).

Below are the warm words of Rabbi Goldstein, South Africa's chief Rabbi:

At this time of harrowing danger, let us harness the spiritual power of lighting Shabbat candles to pray for Israel. For generations, Jewish women have prayed for their children and families at candle-lighting.

This Friday afternoon, 18 minutes before sunset, after we light our Shabbat candles, let us pray for the families and children, and for the brave soldiers of the State of Israel. At a time when many of us are lost for words we offer you our personal prayer, to recite after you light your Shabbat candles this week.

This is a spiritual war against those who seek to destroy Israel, not because of its borders, but because of what it stands for as the world’s only Jewish state. Our response must be to reaffirm our eternal Jewish values through Shabbat.

Please share this call and accompanying prayer with your mothers, sisters, daughters and grandmothers, and with all your friends and your wider community – and together, let’s counter the darkness by bringing more light into the world.

“The Jewish people are redeemed in the merit of righteous women,” say our sages. In the merit of our prayers and the mitzvah of candle-lighting, may G-d bring security and safety to Israel and comfort to her people.

Prayer at Shabbat Candle-Lighting

Our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, hear my supplication in the merit of Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah, our mothers, and in the merit of lighting the holy Shabbat candles.

Protect and deliver the soldiers of the Israel Defence Forces and Security Forces, and all those engaged in saving lives, from all trouble and sorrow. Strengthen their hands and adorn them with the crown of Your salvation and victory.

I plead with You, Merciful One, in Your vast Majesty, liberate our captives, speedily deliver them from anguish to relief, and return them home to life and peace.

Save our brothers and sisters, our aged, men and women and children all who were wounded at the hands of the cruel enemy. Illuminate your presence for them and send them a complete healing, speedily in our days.

G-d, full of mercy and compassion, provide tranquil rest on the wings of the Divine Presence, for the souls of Your nation, men, women and children, murdered in cold blood, their blood spilled like water. May their eternal rest be in Gan Eden.

L-rd, our G-d, comfort the mourners of Your nation, heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds,

Turn Your countenance, oh G-d, to those dwelling in our land, from the border of Lebanon to the Egyptian desert; and spread over them Your shelter of peace, grant them safety, tranquillity and security. Send Your light and truth to the leaders of the State of Israel, her ministers and advisors, and grace them with Your good counsel.

Speedily bring your final redemption to the world, when “death will vanish in life eternal”, when You will “wipe away tears from all faces”, when “nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore… and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the oceans.” Amen!

Here is the Hebrew text:

אֱלֹהֵינוּ וֶאֱלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, צוּר יִשְׂרָאֵל וְגוֹאֲלוֹ, אָנָּא שְׁמַע אֶת תְּחִנָּתִי בִּזְכוּת שָׂרָה וְרִבְקָה רָחֵל וְלֵאָה אִמּוֹתֵינוּ וּבִזְכוּת הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שַׁבַּת קֹדֶשׁ.

שְׁמֹר וְהַצֵּל מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה אֶת חַיָּלֵי צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל וְאֶת אַנְשֵׁי כֹּחוֹת הַבִּטָּחוֹן וְהַהַצָּלָה, חַזֵּק אֶת יְדֵיהֶם וְעַטְּרֵם בְּכֶתֶר יְשׁוּעָה וּבַעֲטֶרֶת נִצָּחוֹן.
אָנָּא רַחוּם, בְּרֹב גְּאוֹנְךָ, שַׁחְרֵר אֶת שְׁבוּיֵינוּ, הוֹצִיאֵם מְהֵרָה מִצָּרָה לִרְוָחָה וְהַחֲזִירֵם הַבַּיְתָה לְחַיִּים וּלְשָׁלוֹם.
הוֹשַׁע אוֹתָם וְאֶת אַחֵינוּ וְאַחְיוֹתֵינוּ, זְקֵנִים וּזְקֵנוֹת, נָשִׁים, אֲנָשִׁים וְטַף, שֶׁנִּפְצְעוּ בִּידֵי הַצּוֹרֵר הָאַכְזָרִי. הָאֵר פָּנֶיךָ אֲלֵיהֶם וּשְׁלַח לָהֶם רְפוּאָה שְׁלֵמָה בִּמְהֵרָה בְּיָמֵינוּ.
אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים, הַמְצֵא מְנוּחָה נְכוֹנָה עַל כַּנְפֵי הַשְּׁכִינָה לְנִשְׁמוֹת בְּנֵי עַמְּךָ, אֲנָשִׁים וְנָשִׁים, יְלָדִים וִילָדוֹת, שֶׁנִּרְצְחוּ בְּדָם קַר וְדָמָם נִשְׁפַּךְ כַּמַּיִם בִּידֵי הַצּוֹרְרִים. בְּגַן עֵדֶן תְּהֵא מְנוּחָתָם.
נַחֵם ה' אֱלֹהֵינוּ אֶת אֲבֵלֵי עַמְּךָ, רְפָא לִשְׁבוּרֵי לֵב וַחֲבֹשׁ לְעַצְּבוֹתָם.
שָׂא ה' פָּנֶיךָ אֶל כָּל יוֹשְׁבֵי אַרְצֵנוּ, מִגְּבוּל הַלְּבָנוֹן וְעַד מִדְבַּר מִצְרַיִם, וּפְרֹשׂ עֲלֵיהֶם סֻכַּת שָׁלום וְשַׁלְוָה וְהַשְׁקֵט וָבֶטַח, וּשְׁלַח אוֹרְךָ וַאֲמִתְּךָ לְרָאשֵׁי הַמְּדִינָה, לְשָׂרֶיהָ וּלְיוֹעֲצֶיהָ וְתַקְּנֵם בְּעֵצָה טוֹבָה מִלְּפָנֶיךָ.
מְהֵרָה תַצְמִיחַ לָנוּ גְאֻלָּה שְׁלֵמָה וְהַרְאֵנוּ בְּקִיּוּם דִּבְרֵי נְבִיאֶךָ: "בִּלַּע הַמָּוֶת לָנֶצַח, וּמָחָה ה׳ אֱלֹהִים דִּמְעָה מֵעַל כָּל פָּנִים", "לֹא יִשָּׂא גוֹי אֶל גּוֹי חֶרֶב וְלֹא יִלְמְדוּ עוֹד מִלְחָמָה" וּ"מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ דֵּעָה אֶת אֲדֹנָי כַּמַּיִם לַיָּם מְכַסִּים". אָמֵן.

For all you need to know about how to light Shabbat candles with the blessing, click here.

With prayers for good tidings from the East.

An invitation to the Shabbos Table - in French:

Cette guerre est en lien avec ce que nous sommes et ce que nous défendons. Alors que nos ennemis cherchent à détruire Israël et que l’antisémitisme monte dans les capitales du monde, c’est un appel au monde Juif.

Vous organisez un / des événement(s) pour le Chabbat Mondial? Envoyez-nous un message par e-mail: ou par WhatsApp au 00972555003183.


10 years of Keeping it Together!

Let’s once again join hands with Jews in more than 1,500 cities across the world – to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Shabbat Project.

I’ve been so moved by the energy and spirit that has driven this social movement over the past decade. That excitement, that overwhelming sense of joy and celebration, is because the idea at its heart is so compelling. Shabbat. A fortress of love and togetherness. An island of tranquillity. A sanctuary of meaning. A counterforce to the great challenges of the modern world. An ancient idea as relevant today as it’s ever been. A God-given gift.

On 3-4 November, let’s light up the world with Shabbat – and make this 10th Shabbat Project the biggest yet!

Here’s to Keeping it Together!

Chief Rabbi Warren and Gina Goldstein

Thursday, October 19

Food for Thought Erev Rosh Hashonah תשע"ט

It is ליל ערב ראש השנה, and I would love to be in touch and say ‘Thank you’ to all my good friends, who have taken the time to read and perhaps be inspired, with my [sometimes jumbled] thoughts in ‘Food for thought’.
‘Dip the apple in the Honey’ are the lyrics that easily roll off our lips. But what more food for thought is there in this ‘sweet’ minhag that can perhaps inspire us to greater heights? Years ago I heard a beautiful thought from R’ Yehuda Leib Lewis shlita, presently of Manchester. [1]Chazal teach us that any [2]derivative of a non-kosher species, is as triefe as the source it comes from. Therefore the milk of a lioness, or colouring made from the eye of a whale is also unfit for our consumption. Bees are as treife as they come, so why is their honey something that we are permitted to enjoy all your round, and on Rosh Hashonah itself we are even encouraged to do so? Chazal explain, that a Bee doe not produce honey in the same way as a Cow produces milk. Honey is not a derivative of a bee, it is manufactured by them through a system of regurgitation, but does not come from their bodies.
We stand and feel totally inadequate in front of Hashem Yisborach, what hope have I to speak to Hashem during these Awesome days, and have my Tefillos answered ? Like Yeshaya Hanovi  said[3] ‘Ki ish tmay sefosayim onoichi’ .
But then we take some Honey – as if to say Ribono shel Oilam, You created the sweetness of Honey and permitted us to partake of it although it produced by a non-kosher tamei creature, for the reason as stated above – it is not their derivative , it has only been refined by the bee. So to, although my being maybe ‘non-kosher and even tamey’, please accept my heartfelt tefillos and let them not be deemed as defective and despised, despite coming from one as imperfect as me’…
Whilst writing this, a further thought occurred to me about the possible connection of honey with Tefillah.
A Honey bee visits 50-100 flowers during one collection trip. Two million flowers have to be visited to produce around 450g of honey. A single Honey Bee produces about one twelfth of a tea spoon of Honey, during its life time of 6 weeks! A hive of bees have to fly over 55,000 miles to produce under a Kilogram of Honey!
OK ‘Moh rabu maseichoh Hashem’, where does this leave me?
To produce a fine product like Honey in the physical world, requires this herculean effort on behalf of so many tiny creatures. What is required of me, to produce one good heartfelt tefillah fitting to be presented to be oileh al shulchan malochim - Melech Malchei Hamalochim on the anniversary of His Coronation day?

[1]  בכורות ז:  מפני מה אמרו דבש דבורים מותר ־ מפני שמכניסות אותו לגופן, ואין ממצות אותו מגופןִ
[2]  A compound derived or obtained from another and containing essential elements of the parent substance.
[3] ישעי' פרק ו פסוק ה' - כִּי אִישׁ טְמֵא שְֹפָתַיִם אָנֹכִי

Sunday, October 15

What Can We Do in a Time of War?

Dear Friends,

It says in Lamentations(*): "נהפך לאבל מחולינו"

On the day in our calendar when we are "שמח"

We rejoice with the Torah, it reverted to: "חמס". 

To counter the negative influences of this current war on the Jewish People, we ought to refrain from giving in to the forces of evil.  

Do not follow the news, as you may be negatively affected by the news reports on this conflict:

Remember: נחש = ראשי תיבות: נייעס, חדשות, שמועות

Do listen to Rabbi Shea Fink at דרשה לאור המצב מאת הגר''י פינק (in Yiddish - sorry!).

As the Rebbe of Belz said: 

By becoming hooked up to the news, one causes an increase in the suffering of Jewish People as a whole - as well as to himself.  This is because our pampered generation is in no way equipped to handle with the abhorrent, horrendous and vile updates making their rounds on social media!

We should instead concentrate on the three approaches that our forefather Jacob taught us:

Doron = Give Tzedokoh!

From teenagers, to youth at risk, back to teenagers

Many of the 16-18-year-olds who have been living in cramped hotel rooms with their families after fleeing their homes after October 7th have been suffering real personal losses and trauma. Overnight, they were transformed from teenagers to youth at risk. They don’t have school, and numb their pain by turning to drugs and alcohol. Enter Lawrence Kasmir, who is generating healthy adrenaline by organising a programme of rock climbing, desert trekking and stargazing. Parents have remarked on a large positive change in their children’s physical and mental state. Anyone wanting to help expand Lawrence’s programme can donate through .

Giving charity not only helps those caught up in this conflict - it causes an enormous wave of empathy and compassion up Above.  This is all we need: the Heavens should shower Am Yisroel with blessings of protection, prosperity and happiness - ingredients that have been ruthlessly denied from so many!

Donate | Help a fallen IDF heros family 💔 Yossi Hershkovitz BDE (

The highest form of Tzedokoh

As per the Rambam (=Maimonides) in the Laws of Charity part of his magnum opus - the highest from of charity is to place and keep people in employment.  

In the past weeks, so many people lost their place of work, either due to closure or because workers are afraid to leave their loved ones alone during the constant sirens.

It so happens that many businesses have employed English-speaking Arab workers to man their helpdesks.  These teleworkers service customer service contracts, which have now been terminated on the back of the current conflict.

Why not fill the empty seats with those who lost their livelihood?

More ways to give charity:

There are so many charity organisations, who advocate for important causes and beg us to help them alleviate the suffering of communities and individuals who have been caught up in this melee.

See: Lives Changed Forever 

See: Support for Israeli’s impacted by the war

See: Use to fulfil a Wish!

See: The Tzedek organisation is bending over backwards to help those who are stuck without sleeping accommodations: TxT 00447520667881 if you can help.

See: for the special offer by RCUK for £10.00 worth of free credit.


See: Donate to Zaka Tel-Aviv Fund (


See: ISRAELI SOLDIERS NEED VESTS: Save A Soldier’s Life! - Chesed Today

See: The Sderot Fund: קרן שדרות - The Ofakim Fund

See: Donate to Feed IsraelUrgent Request - The Situation in Eretz Yisroel is affecting 10,000's!Standing Together in Times of Crisis

Reduce Trauma via your Teruma: Emergency Appeal | British Emunah Fund

BABIES, CHILDREN, THE ELDERLY: ZAKA are Working Hard, With Bombs Overhead, to Save The Bodies of the Fallen. Donate here to Protect these Warriors!

See a request from an IDF soldier: Rock the House with Your Kabalat Shabat!   Look up the nearest Shul in your vicinity that is struggling with a Minyan - see: GoDaven

For Part II see this link:

Go Forth and Help Each Other Out
With the war on the holy land dragging on, there are tens of thousands of displaced and displeased Jews who lost their work of place and livelihood, literally living off government or NGO handouts.

These people have suffered from being displaced, living in a strange place far away from their homes, with people they do not necessary know and on top of that their place of work is inaccessible.

If they are given a change to become employed, they will regain their confidence and might even find the means to settle down in the place where they were 'exiled' to.

Wishful thinking?  
Ask all the nonagenarians who came over from war-torn Europe as displaced persons - they built their lives up from scratch and went on to create a new world for themselves, for their families, for the Jewish community and for the whole world.

Perhaps we could set up an online hub for businesses and NFP* organisations based outside the holy land, to help these unfortunate people by allowing diaspora-based companies to tap into this pool of very able, talented, innovative, clever, motivated but needy candidates?
If you ever heard of any of the websites below, we might already have solved a major part of this endeavour:
Hebrew language website dedicated to find work for the displaced people in the holy land: כולנו דרושים | דרושים IL and: JOBS - Drushim710west
If we could find a couple of voluntary job matchmakers in every country (US, UK, IE, FR etc.) and allow displaced people to log on with their resumé, we could lift the spirits of this motley group of Israelis.
"Yisroel Arevim Zeh baZeh" - Jewish people look after each other - let us put this age-old axiom into practice!


(*) איכה פרק ה' פסוק ט"ו