Saturday, December 19

The ArtScroll BookStand Corrected

The place where you'll find corrections to typos On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 19:41, menasche scharf wrote: Dear Artscroll, The Ashkenaz Machzor for Yom Kippur advises to close the Aron kodesh before Eyn Kitzvoh (אין קצבה), unlike all other Ashkenaz Machzorim.Please can you share with me the source for this? Menasche Scharf On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 15:36, menasche scharf wrote: Dear ArtScroll, Re: ISBN: 1-57819-116-5 Please, for the next edition of this Mincha & Ma'ariv Siddur (and indeed, all other Siddurim) can you add the following two instructions - provided these comply with Halocho: 1. When there is no Sefer Torah in the room, Tachanun should be said without putting down your head onto your left hand arm. 2. When a Hoyche Amida (where the Ba'al Tefilloh says only the first three Brochos and Kedushoh) is said, the Ba'al Tefilloh says Ato Kodosh - not leDor voDor. Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 at 16:46 Subject: Re: FW: Contact From Website To: corrections Dear ArtScroll, This is to notify you of a possible typo in the Mishnayos Eduyos page 96: גלגילון is printed גילגילון - is this not a mistake? Kol tuv, Menasche Scharf On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 at 16:52, menasche scharf wrote: Dear ArtScroll, This is to notify you of a typo in the Mishnayos Eduyos page 54: the word השרפה is printed with two נקודות on the letter ש. Kol tuv, Menasche Scharf From: menasche scharf [] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2018 2:41 PM To: corrections Subject: Re: FW: Contact From Website ArtScroll Horn Edition of Seder Moed Tractate Shabbos Volume II page 74b2 Notes#24.: The beginning... All the woman whose heart.. - should read "women" Menasche Scharf On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 14:16, menasche scharf wrote: Machzor Yom Kippur Ashkenaz The instructions before Modim state to straighten up at Hashem, which I suspect was copied from the first Brochoh of the Amidah? Menasche Scharf On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 at 14:12, menasche scharf wrote: Subject: Correction ISBN: 1-57819-116-5 Page 30 "Between Shemini Atzeres and Pesach add (1f forgotten, see Laws ...)" Should read: "Between Shemini Atzeres and Pesach add (If forgotten, see Laws ...)" הצלחה רבה מנשה Menasche Scharf -----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 1:37 PM Subject: Contact From Website Customer Name: Menasche Scharf Street Address: 46 Norfolk Avenue City: South Tottenham Zip Code: N15 6JX Country: GREAT BRITAIN Email Address: Keycode: W336 Subject: Correction ISBN: 1-57819-116-5 Page 34 קיבוץ גליות Should read: קיבוץ גלויות הצלחה רבה מנשה Message sent from

Friday, September 18

Rise, rouse others!

On the night of Rosh Hashanah, in all the synagogues in the world, we open the ark and recite excitedly: "The earth belong to G-d" and then we shout: "Who will rise to the mountain of G-d..." (Psalms 24:3). The word "rise" in Hebrew has two meanings: 
1. To rise yourself. 
2 To lift up Klal Yisrael. 

We learn from it that on Rosh Hashanah it is not enough to rise our-self to repentance, we must make an effort to lift all our Jewish brothers to repentance! 
 "The Guide to the Rescue of our Jewish People" is a book that will lift you to the "Mountain of G-d", I suggest that you should order at least two books, one for yourself and one to lift up others. 
You may buy the book either at 20 Shmaya Street, Bnei Brak, or by mail or by writing to the following E-mail address: 
 Looking forward to hear from you, Leshana Tova Tikatevu Vetechatemu, 
Immanuel Raved, 
MikvaTikva · Israel · Bnei Braq 61000 · Israel, Tel: 972-3-9074787

עלה והעל את כלל ישראל

בליל ראש השנה, בכל בתי הכנסת בעולם, פותחים את ארון הקודש, וקוראים בהתרגשות: "מזמור.. לד' הארץ"... וזועקים: "מי יעלה להר ד'..." (תהילים כד, ג). למילה "יעלה" ישנם שני מובנים: 1. מי מסוגל לעלות. 2. מי יכול להעלות את כלל ישראל. רואים מכך שלא מספיק להעלות את עצמי לבד, חובת כל אחד להעלות גם את כלל ישראל. "המדריך להצלת עמנו" הוא ספר שמסוגל להעלות אותך ל"הר ד'", ולכן אני מציע לכל אחד להזמין לפחות 2 ספרים, האחד בשביל להעלות את עצמך והשני בשביל להעלות את האחרים. אפשר להשיג את המדריך להצלת עמנו ברחוב שמעיה 20, בני ברק, או בדואר אלקטרוני , או על ידי משלוח בדואר רגיל. מצפה לשמוע מכם ומאחל לכם כתיבה וחתימה טובה, עמנואל ראב"ד, טל: 03-9074787

Monday, September 14

Fwd: Security, Peacefulness and Happiness

From "The Guide to the Rescue of our Jewish People" Security, Peacefulness and Happiness! 
by Rabbi Imanuel Ravad
19 Elul 5780 (8 September 2020) 
The Jewish people are in mortal danger, where there is no fear of G-d, as declared our Forefather Abraham (Bereshit 25:11). Peace is promised to us, on the condition that all our people will observe Torah laws (Vaikra 25). It is incumbent on each one of us to endeavor that all our people will keep the Torah laws, as written: "When all our sons will observe Torah, there will be a great peace (Yeshayau 54:13). In order that we should not forget this most important issue the all day every day and take it more seriously to our hearts and mind, our rabbis put it as the last verse of our morning prayer every morning. An easy and effective way to reach fear of heaven and observance of Torah laws is through men's Mikva Immersion, with the intension to connect with prayers of the heart to G-d! The first to Immerse was Adam the first human-being! This was the first thing he did, on his first Sunday of his life on earth! - he immersed in the Shiloach spring (500 meters from the western wall), For two reasons: 1. In order to repent and ask forgiveness for his sin. 2. Since "sin defiles therefore repentance requires purifying immersion" (Pirkei Derabi Eliezer 20, Or Zarua 1:20). What was proper and good to Adam, is certainly also good and proper for everyone! Since Immersion leads to: 1. Complete isolation from the disturbing environment. 2. Cessation of the activity of the five senses, which always preoccupy us and may interfere with the concentration of thought. 3. Stopping of breathing, when we are at the gate between life and death and in the face of death every man instinctively communicates to the Creator, in awe and fear and prays in his heart to G-d and asks of Him not only life, but also help to solve life problems. Since there is no man without problems, as it is G-d Who creates the problems for every human-being, at any time, according to his situation, in order to motivate repentance (Tehilim 90:3). Therefore, every man rises from the mikva with the "HOPE" (tikva) of a new and more glamorous page for his life. This "HOPE" brings happiness and leads man to sense gratitude to G-d and to remember with greater strength that G-d too has demands of us and that we must first fulfill His requirements in order that Hashem will fulfill our requests with mercy and compassion. At this point we are on the glorious road to repentance. Therefore, after immersion, every man thinks differently, prays and lives differently and the life of the entire community becomes more serious – one of learning and observing all Torah laws – and the Mitzva of Jewish purity is strictly and properly observed as required – which leads to the feeling of Security, Peacefulness and Happiness! "Ashreichem Yisrael"! (you are fortunate Yisrael) proclaimed Rabbi Akiva, who lived during the destruction of the "Mikdash". As long as the "Mikdash" existed, G-d cleaned our sins like snow! As written: "I will throw upon you purifying water and you will be pure…" (Yechezkel 36:25) - and now that the Mikdash is ruined, we should not despair since we still have: "mikva trough which Hashem is purifying us" (Yirmiah 17:13, Yoma 85:). Therefore, although now-a-days men have no Torah obligation to mikva immersion, nevertheless due to the positive results, it is of great importance! Since the subject is not sensitive, it is easy to speak about and to convince men to immerse; and when men immerse the entire holiness of the life of the family gets the proper observance. It is preferable to build the men's mikva in the synagogue compound, in order to allow a direct ascent from the prayer of the heart to G-d in the mikva - to the fervor of prayer in the synagogue, without having to pass through the distracting street-views. The opening words of the Torah - "Bereishit Bara" is a theme of faith in the Creator of the world and the word "Mikva" appears in the tenth verse. Our sages understood that the oral Torah too, must begin: 1. On the subject of faith, since faith is the one that gives the urge and power to observe Torah laws, as well as the issue of Cohanim (men) mikva immersion since it strengthens faith from inner feelings. The Jew declares his faith in the Creator of the world by the verse "Hear, O Israel" [-Shma Yisrael] - "The L-rd our G-d" - "One"! And we must declare this faith at least twice daily, evening and morning and before public reading of the Torah. The opening sentence of the Talmud is a question of time: "From when the evening's declaration of faith is said” and instead of quoting a time, the Rabbis answer: "from the rising of the evening stars" - the Talmud brings the issue of Cohanim’s (priests) mikva immersion before eating "sacred food". Since Mikva immersion is strengthening the faith from inner feeling which gives the impulse and power to keep the Torah Laws! Before the "Sinai Revelation", all our people had to mikva immerse. Among other reasons – in order that the revelation will be with faith in Hashem and mikva immersion is strengthening this faith! During the journey in the desert, men who did not Mikva immerse, the clouds of honor threw them out of the camp and only from them Amalek managed to kill (Shmot 17: 8, Devorim 25:17, pirkey D'rabi Eliezer 44). The people of Israel left Egypt with 600,000 men, plus women, the elders and childrens, It is a large number of millions of people. The Israel camp was spread over a large area of 12 miles long, how did the water for drinking, bathing and mikva immersing got everywhere? It is stated in the Midrash that in each new parking, each tribe president made with his stick a line from the miraculous well of Miriam to the tribe, these lines became rivers and lakes that were also used as water transportation by boats. As written: "who turns a rock to rivers and lakes" (Tehilim 74:15, 78:16, M.R. Chukat Chap. 19). Anyone, even in a state of purity, is not permitted to enter the Mikdash without Mikva immersion, immediately before entering! One of the reasons might be in order to remind us: "before whom do we stand? – in the house of G-d" (Yoma 30). "Repent a day before your death ..." (Avot 2: 10) and since no one knows the day of his death, we must repent every day and since repentance needs mikva immersion (and for other reasons) there are those who immerse daily before morning prayer. The Rambam (Maimonides) declared that he never missed his mikva immersion! (Rabbeinu Yonah, Brachot 13, Ri"f). In most synagogues of the Hasidim and others, those who did not immerse before the Morning Prayer cannot serve as a cantor and / or can't be called to the reading of the Torah and/or other honors. Most Admorim and great rabbis usually do not shake hands with those who did not immerse in the mikva that day. It is interesting that many of them are able to recognize, from the facial radiance of a person, whether he has been immersed in the mikva today or not. Important for everyone and most important for educators to read the Commentary "Maor Vashamesh" on Vayikra 21: Other obligations and customs of men's mikva immersion: 1. Yom Kippur eve, "immersions for the sake of repentance" (שו"ע או"ח, מג"א) 2. Groom on the day of his wedding, also a custom to fast until the "Chupa", a prayer to "Binyan Adey-Ad". 3. Before the Brit-Mila - circumcision, the father, the Mohel and the Sandak. 4. Before the mitzvot which required bodily activities: A. Shofar blowing B. Chanuka candle lighting. C. Kosher slaughtering. D. Scribe before writing Torah, Tefilin and Mezuzot. Some immerse also before writing each of the name of "Shem-Hashem". E. There are those who also immerse before personal prayer for special problems and requests. It is also customary, at least to wash the hands (Netilat-Yadayim) before each of the prayers and therefore in all synagogues there is a water faucet and a tumbler for Netilat-Yadayim near the entrance. Unfortunately today we are the only country in the world threatened with total annihilation, by a country with which we share no border. They have no particular reason to destroy us, as 70 years ago they were actually a very important ally of the State of Israel. At the Passover Seder we declare yearly: "In every generation, people rise to destroy us and Hashem rescues us from them!" However the price of our rescue can be high or low, depending on the repentance of all our people. An example of differences in the price of rescue: 2300 years passed between Haman – the Wicked and the German oppressor, both of whom tried to destroy the entire Jewish people around the world. However Thanks to Mordechai the Righteous, when our entire nation repented and no one was Harmed, as it is written: "Observed and accepted upon themselves" (Megilat Esther 9:27). On the other hand - the price of rescue from the German oppressor cost us with the Holocaust That was unparalleled in human history and destroyed a third of our people! Since the establishment of the state we went through 7 wars. Statistically the price of the wars and the killings during 72 years is about one person killed per day, G-d forbid. We are still the only country in the world today that threatened with annihilation, G-d forbid. "The Whip of the Arab Oil": Rivers and oil lakes are underground and they burst out where the Creator decides. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, almost everywhere there are Arabs, there is oil, which gives the Arabs the wealth and power to fight against the State of Israel (before the establishment of the state, most Arab countries were poor and failing). Today the "Arab Oil" serves as a "Whip of Hashem" who clearly hints us that we must repent and bring our whole nation back to repentance. Assimilation and Intermarriage: In the desert journey, in the Shittim, before our people entered the land of Israel, 25% made contact with the daughters of Moav. Immediately an epidemic broke out, 24,000 people died on the first day and all the other sinners died during two months, until our people crossed the Jordan and G-d declared that without Pinchas who stopped the issue, G-d thought to annihilate the entire Jewish People, G-d forbid (Bamidbar 25:11). Unfortunately today Many Jewish communities around the world are being wiped off of the Jewish horizon due to assimilation and intermarriage. In the last 10 years, in the USA our people have lost about 2 million brothers. In Eretz Israel too, there is assimilation, since most of our people do not vote for parties whose main agenda is the observance of Torah laws. The Talmud states that until the final redemption it is important for Jews to live around the world (Pesachim 87, Rashi). Therefore it is clear that the state of assimilation and intermarriage around the world is a problem of every Yid, even to all the Yidden who are living in Israel, since we are all in the same boat (Current rate of intermarriage, as reported at recent international rabbinical conferences: USA 75%, Europe 85%, Sweden 95%, Bulgaria 98%). It is incumbent on each one of us to see to it that all the Jews of the world keep Torah laws! We have letters describing the many practical results from places around the world, as you can see in the article of "Results". It is therefore the duty of each and every one not to be satisfied by reading this page, but also to act with the necessary seriousness; as anyone can! Lately the "Corona" plague is threatening everyone with sickness and death. Today it is clear to all that Hashem demands from each of us to repent and bring our entire nation to repentance. In this merit may Hashem wipe off this plague from our people and from the entire world. To educate more than 10,000,000 brothers, costs millions and cannot be achieved with symbolic Dollar donations. It is appropriate for each one to consider that in order to achieve real and serious results, each one must endeavor to donate or raise each year an amount at least equal to his family's yearly mikva expenses. Every donation will be sincerely acknowledged and gratefully blessed. To receive our book "The Guide to the Rescue of our Jewish People" (containing about 80 articles, including signatures and recommendations of the great Rabbinical leadership of our generation in Israel and the Diaspora) and for contributions to cover costs of translating and distributing this material in Israel and around the world: USA: IRS Tax-deductible donations: #11-3380463,"Survival-Mikva-Tikva" Imanuel Ravad USA: 1360 – 44th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Direct bank deposits: Signature Bank, 6321 New Utrecht Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219, Survival/Mikva Tikva. Account #026013576 – 1503052217. ISRAEL: 20 Shmaya Street, Bnei Brak 5132703 Tel: 972-3-9074787 Please send this article to all your Jewish electronic mail lists, also if you can make copies and distribute them for the benefit of our Jewish people. Wishing you "Shana Tova", "Ktiva Vachatima Tova" Respectfully, Imanuel Ravad

Friday, July 31

Between one wave and another . . .

We are all in the same boat - or globe to be more precise.  When COVID-19 made its debut, little did we know that we will all have to learn a new way of life literally overnight.  Who would have thought that in the 2020 we will have to start using disinfection sprays, hand-wash, facemask, gloves and worst of all: worry! 

Mothers worried about children, children’s nerves were frazzled about their in‑laws and fathers became frantic when they realised that closed schools means “facing the music”…

Where do we run, is there a place to hide?!  This is what was on people’s mind throughout the first days, until Shabbat came along.

The serenity of a tranquil, quiet day brought us back to our senses and we started to relax a bit – just enough to enable our family members to reconnect, reconcile and make up for our panic outburst throughout the week.

Shabbat was also the day when we made impromptu acquaintances with our next-door neighbours, whom we only saw through neighbourly eyes.   From balconies, gardens and rooftops – they all joined in at the top of their lungs to welcome the Shabbat queen.

One area where Shabbat could not penetrate was the realm of the elderly, the frail and the sheltered.  They vanished when the first government-led curfew was announced and they are still ensconced in their homes!  How can we bring Shabbat into their off-limit abodes?

Shabbat has been a refuge for the Jewish people from the time they became the Jewish people – maybe even earlier…  So, the precious Rabbis of our communities hit on the idea of introducing the taste of Shabbat into every Jewish home, using the now-famous Zoom service.

Thanks to Zoom, thousands upon thousands of Jews, affiliated, unaffiliated and agitated – they all flocked to Zoom to participate in the Garden Party called Welcoming the Shabbat Queen.  The latest figures of Zoom attendees point a sharp increase in Shul attendance, as many homebound people actively participated where they couldn’t do so before the Corona came round the corner…

Having led many a Kabbalat Shabbat via Zoom, it struck me how people were glued to the screen, not to see me singing Moshe veAharon beCho-hanov only to read from the on-screen siddur that their Rabbi so painstakingly prepared.

So, let us say thank you for Shabbat as it saved our sense of sense and a rezooming thank you to Zoom for enabling us to give a semblance of Shabbat to the multitudes.

Menasche Scharf, Zooming Chassidim, UK

Wednesday, March 11

Fwd: Corona - Italy

From someone residing in Italy:

"Coronavirus in the region of Lombardia-Itália.
There are situations in life that are not expected, and the worst, in front of them, we are helpless.
I live in Como, in the area where the Coronavirus arrived without anyone waiting…
I correct, without anyone believing it, then wait, with so many Chinese people passing through northern Italy, we already expected it!
Closed schools, closed gyms, closed bars after 18:00, and so many, leaving the house only for what is strictly necessary.

It is a strange situation that leads us to revalue some things. At this time, having a nice car, an expensive pocketbook, wonderful clothes, they serve what? We would have no way to use or whom to show.

THE ONLY thing that happens to matter and that is asked of GOD is HEALTH. For yourself and for your loved ones.
In truth, how we spend time running back or asking GOD for things that don't help us at all, so many times !!!
As we are futile in most of the time! As we do not value or that is really so valuable!

We are at home. We invented games; Lunches and dinners become long and full of discussions between us, we laugh and cry together about problems and take care of each other.

No one has anywhere to go, or things to do. The lack of time FINISHED!

Locked up at home and "prisoners" because of Mr. CORONA VIRUS. That does us a great favor, despite everything. It frees us from ARROGANCE, because we see that we are nothing and we have no control of anything.

It frees us from ENVY, because we understand that it is useless. It shows us our vulnerability and then it shows us the way back to GOD.

In short, it helps us to perceive our individual "Prison" from day to day, due to the lack of time and having to contain our feelings.

And set us free. It leaves us FREE to be afraid, to feel helpless, not to run after anything ...
In the end, the only job we have or the only lesson at home is to try not to get sick ...

Also, and perhaps most importantly, it allows us to REWARD ourselves with our loved ones. Those with whom we live in the same house, we love, but many times we don't even talk to each other as we should: OUR FAMILY.

And finally, it makes us turn to GOD. In the end, in the face of our vulnerability, it is HE and only HE who can protect us ...

Taking a balance sheet, Mr. Corona virus can even kill us, but at the end of the day, he CERTAINLY teaches us to LIVE!!!"