Friday, February 3

Nafshy - the new Parent to Child Team Effort

As the Possuk says: Uteshu'oh berov yo'etz, ideas come about by group discussion

Let's try and focus on the qualities of each and every child, let them know what these are and boost their self-wort, self confidence and stability of spirit, this will help them withstand some tests that the Soton, Yetzer Hora', Malach haMoves, Younameit throws their way

The Chovas HaTalmidim of Pieaczseczsna writes in his foreword that the job of the parent and teacher is to help the child find the key to their storehouse of positive traits.

The Mesilas Yeshorim by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato writes that he's writing about ideas that are known to everyone however they are lost in the day to day pursuit for success in life and therefore he's here to remind people about their real purpose in life.

The Gemorro says that every person is created by three partners: HaShem, the father and the mother. I say that there's a fourth partner; since the day it was instituted that there should be a Cheder to where children should be sent away from home to be educated by teachers, the teacher is now the fourth partner.

Connect between the home and the school

Parents = Partners, same letters!  They have to know that they own 100% of the "Asset".

We have to follow in Yaacov Ovinu's footsteps and prepare for Doron = presents, Tefilloh = prayer and Milchomoh = battle: the child's education needs all three.
As for Milchomoh, it depends who we're going into battle with; once it's with the child, at another time it might be with the teacher and sometimes - albeit rare occasion - with your spouse.  Remember that the toughest battle is with yourself...

Ve-es Amolynu - these are our children: we work hard and lose sleep over them; whether in middle of the night on a simple weekday or on a Shabbos afternoon when we learn with them.

If you have grown up children, help out the father who has to Farher six boys...

Chanoch laNa'ar Al Pi Darko: Pi is the opening as in beginning

Try to call it a day when you make night for your child: they will be much more cooperative knowing that everyone is now going to reture and nothing will be done when they're asleep so they don't miss anything...  Moreover, they will observe how you Leyn Kriash SHema and prepare Negelvasser, brush your teeth and kiss the Mezuzah - not just for kids!

KeChitzim beyad Gibor, they fly to the direction you point the bow and arrow; any slight move to the right or the left of the target will ensure the arrow will land miles away from its intended target.  The same is with Chinuch: slight faults in education have wide-ranging repercussions in the long term, with the wedge becoming ever wider with every passing day and year.

Rearing children was always the task of the parents, we should not rely totally on the educational institutions; don't institutionalise your offspring!

Thank you to all those who helped and all thos who came

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