Friday, April 8

Ping Pong VI : Agudist vs Zionist

LH: Do you want to hear from inspiring experts on the latest issues relating to Israel? Do you want to learn about the challenges and opportunities the community faces? And do want to do so with the opportunity to network with other activists? Then join us for the ZF Annual Israel Seminar on Sunday October 18!  In 2012, Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the annual Al Quds Day rally against Israel. He was photographed next to a Hezbollah flag - unsurprising, since the event is organised by Islamists. However, his team didn't want too many people to see it - and contacted the photographer, asking him to take it down. Luckily for them, the photographer agreed that the photo was being taken "out of context."  In response, ZF Director Arieh Miller wrote an article for the political blog Harry's Place: "Sorry, but the photo of Jeremy Corbyn standing in front of a Hezbollah flag is not being taken out of context."
MS: As long as descendants of the first enlightened Jews will pose as authentic "citizens of the world", HaShem will make available many platforms for people like Corbyn to spew forth their reminders that "Jew is unlike all other people".


LH: A menorah made from Kassam rockets eh! How about that?
MS: I would put my money where my mouth is:
Instead of supporting war relics, I'd donate to pieces of peace like a Yeshiva where every penny is used to support peace brokers


LH: The Priest tells his friend the Rabbi about a trick he uses at restaurants: "I go in at well past 9 o'clock in the evening,eat several courses slowly, linger over coffee, port and a cigar.  Come 2 o'clock, as they are clearing everything away, I just keep sitting  there until eventually a waiter comes up and asks me to pay. Then I  say: 'I've already paid your colleague who has left.' Because I am a man of  the cloth, they take my word for it, and I leave."
The rabbi is impressed, and says: "Let's try it together this  evening."
So the priest books them into a restaurant and come 2 o'clock they are both still quietly sitting there after a very full  meal. Sure enough, a waiter comes over and asks them to pay.
The priest just says:  "I've already paid your colleague who has left." And the  rabbi adds: "And we are still waiting for the change!"

MS: Such a joke surely stems from Gerald K. 
LH: I suppose the Priest could be a Cohen, and it could be a kosher restaurant. Incidentally, the first Cohen mentioned in the Torah was not Jewish.
MS: Can't have been a Cohen as he would not eat in a restaurant

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