Wednesday, February 28

Recipe for Esrog Jam

Recipe for Esrog Jam 

Rinse all esrogim.

Put all esrogim in water.

Put a heavy object on top, so the uppermost esrogim stay under water.

Change the water every morning – for one week.

Rinse all esrogim.

Cut off the pittem and set aside for the Segula.

Peel all esrogim.

Take care with the peeling process as it is fraught with danger of bruising/cutting the skin . . .

Set aside one big, nice chunk of peel for each esrog.

Rinse all peeled esrogim.

Dice the esrogim into cubes, rings or sticks – you choose!

Depending on your choice of colour, choose one of the two options below:

1) Boil sugar until it becomes dark brown, which will result in brown/black-ish-coloured jam

2) Add white sugar to a pot of water, which will result in yellow-ish/orange-coloured jam

Now add the diced pieces of esrog to the pot

Add a jar of honey to the pot.

Boil for 14 hours on a low-to-medium flame (from 6:30AM to 8:30PM)

Stir the pot every hour; 13 times in total!

Prepare containers with lids; small ones for a small family and large ones for large families.

Prepare name labels with e.g. “Esrog Jam for Family Scharf” and stick on each container.

Taste the broth every three hours to see if the sharpness of the esrogim is still present.

If so, add a glass of sugar (depending on the above two options)

Let the pot cool down naturally.

Start dishing out the jam into the containers.

Add to each container some larger chunks that may have dropped to the bottom of the pot.

Do not close the containers until the jam has reached room temperature.

Now cover the jam with the large piece of peel that you set aside.

Cover the containers.

You may now store / freeze the containers until Tu Bishvat

Tuesday, February 27

Do not fall victim to modern technology

This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. 

A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard. 

When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen. 
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.

Something to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it. Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.

I never thought of this...

This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen.. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet... etc...was stolen. 
20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our PIN number and I've replied a little while ago.' 
When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account. 

Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list.. 

Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc....

And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back. 

Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them.. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you. 
*I never thought about the above! 
As of now, I no longer have
 'home' listed on my cell phone...

Monday, February 19

אהבת קדומים - צהר בעיר בעלזא

לכבוד הנהלת צהר שלוחי דרחמנא

בשליחות כ"ק מרן עטרת ראשנו האדמו"ר שליט"א מבעלזא.

תכלה היריעה ולא אוכל להביע במילים את רחשי ליבי, אך איני יכול שלא לומר את אשר על ליבי, כל אשר אומר תמציתו במילה אחת גדולה - "תודה"!!!

ראשית תודה לאבינו רוענו האיש על העדה, מנהיג בחסד, עיניו צופיות למרחוק הלא הוא כ"ק מרן שליט"א שיזם את המסע הקדוש "אהבת קדומים" מסע זכרונות לבית ולטעם של פעם. שהאציל עלינו מרוחו הגדולה, התרגשתי מאוד שזכרוננו עלה לפניו באהבה ואהבתו הגדולה אלינו, אשר אולי נסתרה מעינינו, הורגשה בעוצמה רבה בכל שלב ובכל מהלך המסע המופלא הזה בכל פרט ופרט.

אברכהו מעומק הלב ובאהבה הדדית, בבריאות איתנה בכל רמ"ח אבריו ושס"ה גידיו, יאריך ימים על ממלכתו וימשיך להשפיע משפעו הטוב לצאן עדת מרעיתו ולכל עדת ישראל.

המסר שמרן שליט"א רוצה שנפנים בתוך הסטון הזה (באנגלית - סליחה!)

תודה - על מסע מרגש, קסום ומושקע עד לפרטים הכי קטנים.

תודה - על אנשים מדהימים שליוו את המסע כאו"א בשמו הטוב יבורך.

תודה - על חברים מופלאים, בעלזרס בעבר ובהווה, שותפים למסע עומק.

תודה - על רגעים מרגשים של תפילה והתחברות. 

תודה - על סדנאות מעצימות, מרגשות ומעמיקות.

תודה - על הקשבה, הכלה, תמיכה וקבלת האחר ללא תנאי.

תודה - על הזכות להרגיש חלק מקהילה חמה ומגובשת.

תודה - על ההכרה בנו כאחים בלב ונפש.

תודה - על כל הפינוקים הגדולים והקטנים, (כולל משחת נעלים וקיסמי אוזניים)

תודה - על הגפילטע פיש, השניצל והצ'יפס, כולל הראסל של ערב שב"ק.

תודה - על צוות מדוייק, כל אחד הוא זהב טהור.

תודה - על שיחות אל תוך הלילה, שיחות נפש בדרכים ובתחנות.

תודה - על מחשבה ותכנון של מקומות מדהימים ביופיים.

ללא ספק שזכרונות המסע עוד יהדהדו ימים ארוכים, זהו מסע נדיר והיסטורי שעוד ידברו בו רבות בעולם החסידי, זכיתי להשתתף בו יחד עם חברים שכל אחד מהם הוא עולם ומלואו, ביחד נוצר תמהיל מדהים שיצר חוויה מרגשת, נוגעת, מטלטלת ועוצמתית.


את שירת בר יוחאי ביום ל"ג בעומר בתצפית סטראחוב המשקיפה על פראג העתיקה.

את הטיולים המשותפים בנופים קסומים שפתחו את הלב והרחיבו את הדעת.

את התפילה המשותפת, תפילת אהבה תפילת השתפכות לרפואתה השלימה של כ"ק מר"ש.

את קדושת השבת שננסכה עלינו בסתם יום של חול על מימי נהר הוולטובה, כששרנו על הסיפון בצוותא חדר "כל מקדש שביעי" על כוס שכר מלא..

את דממת הלב מכל קברי הילדים ביער הילדים - זוויליטובסקה גורה, שם נשפך לב כמים על דם ישראל שנשפך כמים, עין לא נותרה יבשה. לבבות נפתחו אל מול השקט המחריד.

את הוד הקדומים שחשנו עת דרכו רגלינו על אדמת קודש מכורת אבותינו הקדושים מנוחתם עדן, בעיר בעלזא אשר הייתה מעטירה וניטלה העטרה, הייתה תל תלפיות ועצה היא תל, ובכל זאת שמך לא שכחנו...

את סיפורי העבר המרגשים של הרב עקיבא אשר פדווא שליט"א שעורר בנו רגשות געגועים לימים כקדם.

את עונג השבת נועם הנשמות בשירים ודיבורים ומיני מטעמים ותפנוקים סמוך ונראה לקברי רבותינו הקד', אשר בוודאי השפיעו עלינו מהודם ורוחם.

את המרגליות והפנינים ששזר לנו משמח אלוקים ואדם הרב ישראל שטרן שליט"א בלב פתוח ורגש נובע להתענג בתענוגים...

את פרקי תהילים לאור בוקר בציון הקדוש של הרבי ר' אלימלך בליזענסק, בשיר וקול תודה נברך...

את הניגונים המרגשים במוזיאון היהודי בפראג אל מול שמות הנספים בשואה, תושבי צ'כיה החקוקים על קירות בית הכנסת, זכור דמם נשפך כמים...

את רגשי הקודש בתפילת רבים בבית הכנסת אלטנוי שול, קרוב למקום מושבו של המהרל מפראג, לרפאותו השלימה של מרן שליט"א, שפכו כמים ליבך...

את השבת אחים גם יחד בלילה הראשון בלב פראג, על כוס בירה או וודקה יחד עם ניגוני קודש - נפתחו הלבבות. לב טהור ברא לי.

לך היקר באדם, איש תבונה ומעש עם לב וחיוך ענק, ר' מנחם הלל קליין שליט"א ועמו אחיו היקר הפרוייקטור של המסע ר' שלום קליין שליט"א.

תודה ענקית לכם על ההזדמנות המדהימה לשוב הביתה ולטעום את הטעם של פעם לתקופה קצרה.

אי אפשר בלי להגיד תודה לעומדים בשליחות הקודש מאחורי המסע ר' אהרן מאנן, ר' שמואל וינד.

תודה ענקית לכם.

ועל כולם אנשים מיוחדים ומתוקים. גרמתם לנו להוריד את המחסומים, לפתוח ולקבל, בלעדיכם המסע הזה לא היה כפי שהוא היה.

ר' יוסי פיקסלר, ר' שמשון פרבר, ר' שמואל וייס, ר' אהרן גרוסמן.

לסיום אני רוצה להעריך אתכם על התעוזה והאומץ, על האמון וההכלה שנתתם בנו. את ההזדמנות להחזיר אותנו ולו במעט, על ההכרה שלכם בנו, על ההרגשה שנתתם לנו שאנחנו חשובים ויקרים לכם.

השארתם טעם של עוד...

מקווה שזה ימשיך לעוד מפגשים...

תודה ענקית

אוהב אתכם מאוד

א. ה.

Tuesday, February 13

Travel Resources for Bike, Car, Bus, Plane or Train

Air travel

Travel Resources

Travel by Train – Resources

Rome2Rio: discover how to get anywhere to buy train tickets online

Travel by Bike – Resources

Travel by Bus – Resources

Travel by Car – Resources

Travel abroad from the UK

קישור להנפקת תו ירוק בשביל כניסה מהירה יותר לארץ ישראל

Caution: Do not take your Arba Minim on board the Eurostar, as they will confiscate it at the border check control.

Visit בריסל / Brussels / Brussel / Bruxelles: 003225138940

Take your Torah learning with you: 

Tal-Torah 0044 2033187700 - Chumash, Rashi on Torah, Mishnah, Daf Yomi, Rambam, Stories for Children and Nigunim (songs) in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, Spanish and French.

Where to stay - guest hachnosas orchim:

Why use Ryanair

 "Spare a thought for Michael O’Leary, Chief Executive of 'Ryanair'...

Arriving in a hotel in Dublin, he went to the bar and asked for a pint of draught Guinness. The barman nodded and said, "That will be one Euro please, Mr. O’Leary."

Somewhat taken aback, O'Leary replied, "That's very cheap," and handed over his money.

"Well, we try to stay ahead of the competition", said the barman. "And we are serving free pints every Wednesday evening from 6 until 8. We have the cheapest beer in Ireland"

"That is remarkable value" Michael comments

"I see you don't seem to have a glass, so you'll probably need one of ours. That will be 3 euro please."

O'Leary scowled, but paid up. He took his drink and walked towards a seat.

"Ah, you want to sit down?" said the barman. "That'll be an extra 2 euro. You could have pre-book the seat, and it would have only cost you a Euro.  I think you may to be too big for the seat sir, can I ask you to sit in this frame please"

Michael attempts to sit down but the frame is too small and when he can't squeeze in he complains "Nobody would fit in that little frame".

"I'm afraid if you can't fit in the frame you'll have to pay an extra surcharge of €4.00 for your seat sir"

O'Leary swore to himself, but paid up. "I see that you have brought your laptop with you" added the barman. "And since that wasn't pre-booked either, that will be another 3 euro."

O'Leary was so annoyed that he walked back to the bar, slammed his drink on the counter, and yelled, "This is ridiculous, I want to speak to the manager".

"Ah, I see you want to use the counter," says the barman, "that will be 2 euro please."

O'Leary's face was red with rage.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do Mr. O'Leary,"

"I've had enough, What sort of Hotel is this? I come in for a quiet drink and you treat me like this. I insist on speaking to a manager!"

"Here is his Email address, or if you wish, you can contact him between 9:00 and 9:10 every morning, Monday to Tuesday at this free phone number. Calls are free, until they are answered, then there is a talking charge of only 10 cent per second"

"I will never use this bar again"

"OK sir, but remember, we are the only hotel in Ireland selling pints for one Euro".

Sunday, February 11

Charred Charedim vs. Liberated Liberals?

When COVID-19 and the headlines was raging - the first against the whole world and the latter against the Charedim in Stamford Hill.

Here's one in favour of the Charedim:

Wed, 3 Feb 2021 at 23:26, by S. K. K. 

They have been completely wrong to do it, however their understanding about Covid through lack of media of all forms is not like ours. That is not an excuse, that’s the reality that's unfortunately prevented them learning of the statistics and world effect. 

The other point is although their infection rate is much higher than the general population due mainly to living in such overcrowding, their mortality rate in comparison is much lower, probably due to the fact that there average age is younger than the general population, therefore they are not seeing the death rate like us in their own community and they are not aware outside the community what’s really going on. 

So for them, who mainly all had it last year and recovered well, they are feeling such low risk now and like the rest of the population the longer the restrictions go on the harder people are finding it to maintain restrictions. 

Their lives in crammed housing with little outlet, for example no football team to follow, no social media, no TV etc, leaves them totally reliant on just the joys of Simcha’s to focus on. Again this is NOT an excuse but it’s reality. 

If, you then add to the equation a historic somewhat lack of trust from the outside world, as their lives are governed by Torah. Which generally do coincide perfectly with keeping all the civil laws. 

Hence despite this they have always had a great relationship with Hackney Police because they are all bar exception of a very small minority of them, they are extremely law abiding and charitable. Probably pro rata for their numbers the most law abiding group of people. 

Now please take this all into consideration when you are singling just them out for not abiding by Restrictions. To finish, the good news is that Janet Clifford I and other had a zoom meeting with a representative of their community on Sunday, we were completely clear in our condemnation of any weddings taking place. 

The person told us that he hadn’t (like no one in Stamford Hill does) seen the JC or Jewish news reports, so he had no idea of the outrage from fellow Jews. However he told us a very productive meeting had be held by the police after the wedding and a booklet produced in Yiddish and Hebrew and it’s all been very clearly explained and understood by them. 

It’s a shame this has taken till now, but at least it’s happened. They see Secular as fellow Jews and they would never meddle in the rights and wrongs what we do. We don’t have a perfect track record, we are not all societal covid saints. 

The difference is we don’t dress the same so we are not identified as one. Is anyone not up in arms at the celebrities who’ve been highlighted in the news for breaking it, no, because people in the main judge their rule breaking as one bad incident amongst all the other non bad things that they know about the celebrity. 

A lot of People here do not know other things about the Charedi to focus on and believe me all the other things about them are really good and endearing. Again I will reiterate, I completely condemn the weddings that took place but I completely condemn equally the witch hunt against all the Charedi. They are not all holding weddings. 

Please see the whole picture about them and what has happened. Please stop the hatred towards them, we have enough antisemites out there who hate all of us, we don’t need to hate each other. Please see the good in fellow Jews, They do.  With very best wishes, S.K.K.

My reply, dated Friday, February 5, 2021


Following the welcome news that the editors have started to back-paddle on the wave of hatred they engendered in last week's edition of the LJN, I would like to clarify one point:

A positive change in attitude towards COVID-19 guidelines by the North London Charedi Kehilla (aka the Stamford Hill Jewish community) is evident on local streets, in shops and in public buildings across the neighbourhood.  

This is mainly due to high-level talks between the Metropolitan Police and functionaries of local synagogues, who verbally transmitted the Met's recommendations on the last Sabbath; these were also disseminated by way of printed notices.  

Increased patrolling and policing of the area to enforce guidelines, coupled with the commitment by the local population to follow these guidelines have resulted in more people wearing masks, which will hopefully lead to less people requiring medical intervention.  

In no way can the change in Stamford Hill be credited to the mud-slingers peddling vitriolic venom from their ivory towers.  As the late Harry Stern (full name: "Meir Menasche Stern", a decades-long police liaison for the Jewish community vis-a-vis local and national government) once said: "there are nice ways to be nasty".  

When dealing with sensitive issues there is no need to pour oil on the fire, which may (or may not?) have sold more newspapers for one week, but lost many customers to the LJN forever.  

I am full of hope that at the same time that the we have learned a lesson in obedience, the publishers of the JC and the LJN - together with all purveyors of juicy gossip on social media will put a stop to this mindless regurgitation of ages-old baseless self-hatred. Amen! Menasche Scharf

Followed by the next instalment, on 08 February 2021:

Good morning,

I'm not aware - I was told that the community came to an agreement with the Metropolitan police that there will be no weddings in Stamford Hill for two weeks or until a solution can be found.  

In light of the above, I'm wondering how a person of Rabbi Shochat's stature could make such an assertion - unless I'm totally misinformed.  Should his statement be true then it's sad for our community to be led by seemingly spineless leaders whose promises to the authorities are breached by their own community members.  

Whilst there were some weddings that I heard about, they were in people's front rooms, which usually can hold up to 20-30 people in the most expansive house in the area. You also have to take into account the cultural divide which precludes the mixing of genders, especially at weddings (e.g. dining & dancing) so there could have been a maximum of 15 people in each room.  

Regardless of all the above, me thinks that all this should be a wakeup call for the Jewish community as a whole to stop this social distancing and start titillating each other's way of life so that when the government's guidance and recommendations on social distancing is finally lifted we could start working together instead of flying into each other's hair whenever there is a scoop...

To which came the reply, on 08 February 2021:
Morning, Absolutely brilliant and thank you so much for the informative reply. I know you are busy working so I wont bother you any more but I will let you know if Rabbi Schohet does reply, although I doubt he will.  I will let you know, have a good day.