On Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Bayis Ne-eman – HaGefen UK held a Seudas Rosh Chodesh in Park Avenue Restaurant on Clapton Common in which thirty three shadchonim participated. The gathering was preceeded by a kvias mezuza at the new office on Clapton Common. Rabbi Chaim Michoel Biberfeld, Rav of Tchortkov Beis Medrash is South Tottenham was honoured with kvias hamezuzah which was followed by a lechaim. Rabbi Avrohom Monderer, Rov of Kossov Beis Medrash In Stamford Hill, spoke at the event, giving chizuk to the shadchonim in their avodas hakodesh. This was followed by the main speaker, Rabbi Biberfeld.
Bayis Ne’eman is the new name of the revamped shidduchim organisation HaGefen UK in London.
The organisation is a forum for shadchonim to discuss and brainstorm shidduch ideas in their weekly or forthnightly meetings. The office is a place where dedicated shadchonim with many years of experience in the field operate from. The shadchonim are provided with a comfortable workspace from where to make calls and emails and where they can meet people. It is planned that in the near future ladies shadchaniyos will also be employed and they will work from the office in separate shifts.
Bayis Ne’eman is also the address for parents of singles to turn to; every name is taken seriously and given its due attention. For the askonim at Bayis Ne-eman – HaGefen UK, marrying off any single is considered a chessed whatever the person’s age. It’s all about setting up a Jewish home, a place for hashroas hashchinah.
The new name of the organisation “Bayis Ne-eman – HaGefen UK” heralds a new lease of life to the shidduch scene in London. Several new askonim have become involved to offer support and local Rabbonim are giving their wholehearted encouragement. There are exciting plans for expansion, one example is the employment highly respected shadchonim. Advertisements in the press will make their services more widely known, with the hope that soon we will all be happy to participate at the establishment of many a bayis ne-eman beyisroel.