Wishing all visitors חג הפסח כשר ושמח
Menasche Scharf
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Chodesh Nissan 5773
New Halocho Channel : Hiclhos Orach Chaim
The new Shiur is called: "Shiur BeHalocho Yomis, Belz London" or similar?
This new channel is for "Halocho Yomi" that we had for the past couple of years in Belz Shteeble, Clapton Common.
There is a rota of Magiddey Shiur, as every subject is taught by our resident experts, depending on the season of the year (Chanuka, Pesach etc.) or the Halochos we are learning at a given time (Seder Night, Eruv in Summer Camp etc.).
Starting from today, those Shiurim are being recorded, as some of the regulars' schedules have changed their daily pattern and so cannot attend in person.
Additionally, there are now many members of the public (either from other Belz Shteebles in town or from farther afield) who have heard about our excellent, clear and informative Shiurim and they want to be able to follow them on Kol HaLoshon.
When dialling the Kol HaLoshon number, choose Yiddish and then Halocho. Listen to the menu and select the appropriate code to reach this new Torah resource.